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Hey there, i installed the b2b demo shop in developer mode on my windows machine using docker. So fa

Hey there, i installed the b2b demo shop in developer mode on my windows machine using docker. So far so good. I had it working once. But since today the docker/sdk up
fails with unknown service "webdriver"
. What can i do in this case?
Thanks @valerii.trots, as far as i can see changing the docker compose version should fix this issue. Can you maybe give me a clue how to do that?
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Maybe inside Docker Desktop settings? I'm not aware, sorry, I'm on Linux.
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Yes, you are right. I needed to uncheck the
Use Docker Compose V2
option in Docker Desktop setting. Thank you very much!0 -
I'm running into the same problem on Win 11, Ubuntu 22.04, but the "Use Docker Compose V2" option in Docker Desktop is NOT checked and I got a v1 installed:
~/projects/b2c-demo-shop$ docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
Still, trying to up the demoshop stops and gives
no such service: webdriver
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I checked and unchecked it in Docker Desktop, seems to have done sth, now I get a new error (wrong php version), oh the joy of development π
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