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Has anyone been faced with occasionally not working updates on cms blocks? Every message passed by r
Have you enabled the event logger by setting
$config[EventConstants::LOGGER_ACTIVE] = true;
This should add additional information about the failed message to the message in event.error queue0 -
not really, but you can:
- launch logs
- fire up the vendor/bin/console queue:task:start taskname
- check logs for what appeared
0 -
Thank you both. Just enabled the event logger.
Seems like I've missed that one. On updating a cms-block in zed the zed/exception.log says
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "spy_cms_block_storage-unique-key"
Don't know since when I got issues while updating that, but I am pretty sure that wasn't a problem before π€
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Maybe you've somehow truncated your
table(s) but not the storage table? I think the key is build from the resource ids0 -
Quite likely. Strange thing is, that this is happening on our staging system, too. Didn't touch the database there at all. All I did was the
π€·ββοΈWill check this anyway. Thanks
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Hi @ULL0N440J,
If the error is still happening with 1 process, this might come from some issues in code, but if it comes when you run multiple process like worker command, then itβs a race condition, you can fix this it by enablingevent.retry
queue to resolve these errors.0 -
Hi Ehsan, thanks for the tip. The messages were passed through event.retry queue, too. As mentioned above: this behaviour probably occured due to double keys. DB-Table(s .. you need the storage, too) wasn't cleared properly.
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ok, but please report this to our customer support if this is still an issue and it comes from core, thanks
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