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Hello, I've a problem with an rabbitmq queue, it is simply stuck (same number of ready, unacked and

U01K43ADW5N Posts: 69 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
edited July 2021 in Help

Hello, I've a problem with an rabbitmq queue, it is simply stuck (same number of ready, unacked and total for hours already) and any attempts to purge the queue or add new messages to the queue results in a timeout.
Is there any way to solve this? It's a staging environment using the Spryker Cloud.

I've tried multiple deploys, disabling the jenkins scheduler and trying to manually ack the queue to no success.


  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 πŸ› - Council (mod)

    hey @U01K43ADW5N you created a support case for that (which is the right way to deal with this problem) and we are currently waiting for your feedback. Thanks

  • U01K43ADW5N
    U01K43ADW5N Posts: 69 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    hey @tom.lehner. thanks for the response
    I've answered your email