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Hello guys, how can i load in docker under swagger in docker the glue documentation g

Hello guys, how can i load in docker under swagger in docker the glue documentation generated from this command docker/sdk console rest-api:generate:documentation
? I've seen that this command generate the spryker_rest_api.schema.yml
file under src/Generated/Glue/Specification
but me is not clear how to load this definition into swagger... which is the public url, if exists one? thanks!
You can paste it i.e.
http://editor.swagger.io/0 -
Hi Giovanni,
Do you use the feature in docker SDK https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/spryker-in-docker-services#swagger-ui ?
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@ULYHPR789 yes.. i can see the swagger app with my url.. but the problem is that i don't understand how to load the spryker generated documentation into swagger application web..
swagger: engine: swagger-ui endpoints: swagger.<our domain>.com:
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It should be automatically done.
docker/sdk up
after generating spec. It should build swagger image again and catch generated yml,0 -
unfortunately it s not happend.... i miss something? i just update docker sdk project and then bootstrap deploy.dev.yml and up
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When have you generated spryker_rest_api.schema.yml? Before up or after?
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ah maybe after... ok.. i can try to re-up docker.. i need only up or maybe before also bootstrap and then up?
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just up. Bootstrap is only needed when SDK updated or deploy yml changed.
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ok. i tried to up again docker (with rest api documentation already generated) but under swagger app there is always the default url about petstore and not the spryker yml... maybe i do something wrong??!
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It should be OOTB.
Would you be so kind to run the following:
docker exec spryker_dev_swagger_1 ls -al /var/specs/
0 -
docker exec spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1 ls -la /var/specs/ total 228 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 102 Jan 29 10:16 . drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan 28 10:12 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 227756 Jan 29 10:15 spryker_rest_api.schema.yml
0 -
is there!
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docker exec spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1 'echo $SWAGGER_JSON'
0 -
with your command i get
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"echo $SWAGGER_JSON\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
withou single quote, just echo $SWAGGER_JSON then i get empty response from container
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docker exec -it spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1 bash
and inside
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ok. i wanted just this try.. 1 min
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P.S. And in dev mode you do not need to rebuild swagger image as it just mounts the folder.
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SWAGGER_JSON path variable is also right:
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yes.. understand..
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i checked later..
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So everything is set ok. I wonder if Swagger has cached in browser. Would you able to open it in Private mode?
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ok, i try..
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no.. always the same
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May be permission issue.
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how can we check if a permission issue?
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docker logs spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1
0 -
no errors in log... only the access log infos
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Are you on linux?
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no, macos
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It seems we are giving everything for swagger UI. Let’s try the following:
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