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Hello, what migrations have to be done to move from “old” zed login to the “new” backoffice? I am pr
what migrations have to be done to move from “old” zed login to the “new” backoffice?
I am pretty sure i did https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202108.0/spryker-core-back-office-feature-integration.html#prerequisites
But it seems i got a redirect loop for the backoffice login since AccessControlEventDispatcherPlugin catches the request and notices that there is no logged in user … as far as i remember before there was also a dispatcher plugin that fired before the accesscontrol plugin and handled the login. How does it work now?
Hi Valerii, this steps seemed to be missing. I did it but i’ll end up in the same redirect loop … for me it looks like backoffice.de.test.local/security-gui/login has to be whitelisted somewhere since also the controller behind the /login path wont come to action …
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i think the reason is, that in AccessControlEventdispatcherPlugin all the request data is null which leads to this error
```$module = $request->attributes->get('module');
$controller = $request->attributes->get('controller');
$action = $request->attributes->get('action');```
All this are null while in b2b demo shop all of these are filled with the corresponding stuff like SecuritGuiContrller etc. … don’t know why these are not provided when this kernel event gets processed0 -
Found the issue … the RequestAttributesEventDispatcherPlugin was missing in the pluginstack 🙄
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General issue: i missed the router migration because i was just migrating to the 2021 milestone which has no router migration documented … but it seems that the router was updated to the latest version because in 2021 update the latest router module version is also valid … this might be a problem for future updates i guess
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