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I just switched from the deprecated `spryker-shop/navigation-widget` to `spryker-shop/content-naviga

I just switched from the deprecated spryker-shop/navigation-widget
to spryker-shop/content-navigation-widget
but now the navigation lookup in Redis is expecting the navigation to be in namespace content
. Our navigation still is in namespace navigation
, though. Already republished everything, but the namespace doesn't change in Redis. Does anybody know, why the namespace changed and how to fix the navigation lookup?
I think that this is the problem: vendor/spryker-shop/content-navigation-widget/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ContentNavigationWidget/Twig/ContentNavigationTwigFunctionProvider.php:96
Before reading the actual navigation from storage, it's trying to read some sort of content item that I don't know anything about. Do I need to create some sort of content item for the navigation or what else is missing?
Any documentation would be helpful, but I didn't find anything useful so far.0 -
I assume that
is a new way to add navigation menus? So the standardnavigation
module(s) are as well obsolete as they publish to a different storage? Is there any documentation?0 -
The solution is that Spryker changed the display strategy of navigation trees. There is now a layer in between called "Content Items" you can find it in the documentation. But we where looking for documentation of the content_navigation module which doesn't have any documentation or hint to just look for navigation or content.
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Having the need for a content item to be able to retrieve a navigation isn't very feasible, imho. Doubling the number of redis calls for something like a global navigation is a really bad idea.
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