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Hi, is there a problem with super attributes? I can't add them to a concrete product. Wenn i search

is there a problem with super attributes? I can't add them to a concrete product. Wenn i search for the attribute-key, they don't show me the super attributes. That didn't work also at the demoshop:
or did i something wrong ?
You can't assign a super attribute to concrete product.
https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/user/features/202005.0/product-information-management/super-attributes.html0 -
Which is opposite to what is written here:
Differences Between the Levels Abstract product is the level where all the information about the product is located, such as title, description, images, prices, brand. Concrete product is the level where all divergent information compared to the abstract product is located, such as size, color, images, prices. It is the level where the stock for the product is defined. It is the only level where super attributes must be defined.
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Yes, i read this, but in case 2 stand:
The blue variant will only hold the stock information and a color super attribute (blue value).0 -
I believe you can define super attributes only at the product creation step then.
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@jeremy.fourna could you clarify please? I forgot already the area, didn't touch it for a while.
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Super attribute are assigned to the abstract product at the creation. You define there all variations that will be generated automatically. You can then later add a new variant for the existing super attributes but you cannot add a new super attributes to an existing product.
We have some improvements in our roadmap about the PIM to make this easier
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Ok, thanks π
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