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Hi. Does anyone know if it is possible to override a databuilder property? Spryker is still using ru

Hi. Does anyone know if it is possible to override a databuilder property? Spryker is still using rules with a deprecated format from Fakerphp, I would like to change it on project level at least
Can you elaborate on the deprecated usage?
SInce only fzaninotto/Faker is deprecated, and https://github.com/FakerPHP/Faker is now used.
Maybe we can identify and PR the missing pieces so that we can use all the right methods/format?0 -
yes, that one deprecated rules as properties, they should be called as functions only now:
Wrong : $faker->word
Right: $faker->word()0 -
That should be easy to fix up in a BC way, I imagine.
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Do you have an idea for a PR at hand we can introspect and fast-track?
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sure... but it should be done on all modules that have databuilders
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anyhow, I wanted this only for a quick test/fix... I updated merchant-relationship module, which introduced a databuilder for the merchantRelationship... turns out that now at least one test on my pipeline is failing while creating a new merchant relationship complaining that cannot find a unique value for the key
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very strange, since it should even take a provided value and also locally seems to work just fine
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Maybe we could introduce a feature flag to switch over the property to method usage for project level or beyond.
I dont know the implications - so just spit balling here.
If you find a way, please reach out, best with a PR to the respective repo/module. And then we can take things from there.0 -
ok, thanks
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