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Hey there, there Spryker b2b is a weird behaviour when creating and deleting shopping lists. When c

Hey there,
there Spryker b2b is a weird behaviour when creating and deleting shopping lists. When creating a shopping list for example. the page reloads. But after that the information in the header is still not updated. I have to wait for a while and keep reloading. At some point the informations get updated, but seems like some stuff in the background takes too long.
Any ideas here? Thank you
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)
the ShoppingListWidget-Module reads the list from the ShoppingListSession-Module, so it should normally be synched into redis. So it could be that the queue is quite full and it takes time until the shopping-list update is called0 -
Thanks for the clarification π
What could be the solution here? What's the difference between the cart and the mini-cart in the header? Here we never have this behaviour after adding a product to the cart on PDP for example
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)
I dont know a solution right away but I forwarded the question because I am also interested in.
difference to cart seems to me that when you update a quote it also persists it in the session directly, for shopping-list-widget it creates an entry in the session if nothing stored yet.
I also just discovered that it seems not to be synched via queues but based on
where it is decided to reload the data. I think this could be the right place to adjust for your needs.0 -
Okay thank you a lot, I will check if I can figure it out there π Thank you!
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