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Good Morning together, I just got a new Macbook (ARM-based) and tried to setup my current project. S

Good Morning together,
I just got a new Macbook (ARM-based) and tried to setup my current project. So far all containers started, i can see the frontend etc. (used this documentation here: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/technical-enhancement-integration-guides/switch-to-arm-architecture-m1-chip.html#update-rabbi[…]kins-services)
The problem is, that the console scheduler:setup command (which ofc is executed on startup aswell) doesn’t add scheduler jobs to the scheduler (jenkins)
Sadly, i couldn’t find a post where anyone is facing the same issue and my colleagues didn’t have this problem aswell.
Any Ideas?
I don't have M1 to check but we saw such a problem even on Linux with csrf protection enabled.
I would try to comment out https://github.com/spryker/suite-nonsplit/blob/master/deploy.yml#L258 from your deploy file, bootstrap and up again and then retry.0 -
i will do that, thank you valerii - i respond with the results when it’s done.
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commenting out the csrf-protection-enabled in deploy.dev.yml didn’t work 😞
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What does
docker/sdk console scheduler:setup -vvv
return? Nothing?0 -
Just this:
docker/sdk console -x scheduler:setup -vvv
Store: CN | Environment: docker.dev0 -
i also tried to debug it but didn’t see any errors nor in the logs or the debugger … the exitcodes are 0's (debugger not sure if they should be 1)
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hullo hullo
I'm on M1, installedb2c-demo-shop
locally, and you can see list of jobs running below:docker/sdk console scheduler:setup -vvv Store: DE | Environment: docker.production Scheduler Name: jenkins Scheduler Status: OK - DE__check-product-validity - DE__check-product-label-validity - DE__update-product-label-relations - DE__apply-price-product-schedule - DE__check-oms-conditions - DE__check-oms-timeouts - DE__clear-oms-locks - DE__queue-worker-start - DE__product-relation-updater - DE__event-trigger-timeout - DE__deactivate-discontinued-products - DE__clean-expired-guest-cart - DE__remove-expired-refresh-tokens - DE__order-invoice-send - DE__message-broker-consume-channels
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on my m1 mac it doesn’t even say, that my scheduler status is ok when i run this command… i can see the webpage though on scheduler.spryker.local :S
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I could finally solve this issue myself… the Problem was, that i added this part from the documentation inside my config_local.php as it was… So the php part that runs the scheduler didn’t have the url to the scheduler :S
$config[*SchedulerJenkinsConstants*::JENKINS_CONFIGURATION] = [
*SchedulerConfig*::SCHEDULER_JENKINS => [
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