🗓 Ask Me Anything - All about Docu (November 16th)

Your CommerceQuest team is coming your way with another great opportunity to learn and discuss!
We are going to host a vibrant Ask Me Anything with @Simon Brugger from Spryker - who owns Spryker's documentation initiatives!
In a nutshell
On the 16th of November, 3pm - 4pm CET, we will host an interactive session asking a bunch of your questions regarding documentation to Simon. It will be conversational and insightful!
This is for you if…
- you have pressing questions regarding Spryker documentation
- you have ideas on how to improve the documentation experience
- you know the hate-love-relationship developers might have with documentation
- you want to know what is the first thing Simon does every morning
Or/and you want to join another great CommerceQuest community event 🥳
How it works:
- Sign up here:
- Share your questions (Deadline 13th of November)
- As a comment under this post
- Via this form
- Send me your question as a DM (direct message) via CommerceQuest
- Attend the event and join the conversation!
In case questions are not answered in the session, we will get back to you with a written summary 😁
See you there and don't forget: documentation is a love letter about your product or service!
why some content suddenly is removed?
why the lack of good examples of how to use Spryker features?
why not all modules are documented?2 -
Thanks @alvin.gonzalez.linkedin - adding those to our agenda :)
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