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Hello guys, has anyone some problems mit Unison-Sync in the case switch oft branch in development ph

Hello guys, has anyone some problems mit Unison-Sync in the case switch oft branch in development phase?
I have sometimes problem that the sync need to much time and then at end i have not consistent files.
Yep. That is know problem.
The only 100% workaround is:
• stop docker
• switch to the branch
• delete docker-sync container
• up
Agree, it is not comfortable, but stable.0 -
Ops... really? OK!.. what do u think about fix release? Do u find some possible solutions or not yet?
Thanks for fast reply..@UQ4B55JLV das ist das Problem dass oft du gehabt hast..!!!!
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The plans was shifted due to corona, but now the topic is on the table.
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OK.. super! Thanks very much! I hope it will be out asap the fix.. 🙂 It is very uncomfortable for devs that oft switch the branch.
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Hi Giovanni,
I see that the sync topic is painful and needs to be improved. The priority for sync solution is high in our backlog.Please, stay tuned
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OK, thank u!
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