Planned replacement of tslint with eslint

Hello spryker-team,
i have noticed, that spryker will replace tslint with eslint in the next version (CC-25963 Replaced tslint with eslint for YVES. ).
Upon reviewing it for our current development and future updates, i saw the changes in package.json.
I don't think this is an optimal solution, since this only binds the linting to the PYZ-namespace and no custom namespace.
Another suggestion would be to rename the yves:eslint function to just "yves:lint" so any future linter-updates won't break pipelines and functionalities.
Can you share some insight on why you chose to bind this only to PYZ or has this maybe slipped through your internal review?
Hello Sven.
Thank you for good point π€
Itβs named according to the previous version.
Weβll rename it to the variant without the linter name.0 -
My only concern (now) is that is only checking the pyz-namespace and no additional one π
before it checked every namespace.
0 -
We expect that the linter must only check project-level YVES components.
According to the folder structure.
Each project can customize the paths according to its requirements.0
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