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Are any of the Spryker Kubernetes available in open sources?

Are any of them available in open sources? Can they be found on unofficial sources, or these are closed repositories?
Sorry, should have started the thread from the beginning.
I meant that Spryker doesn't provide anything related to k8s.
So in case something exists "out there in the wild", someone will reply here as well. π
If I'm not mistaken some projects might have their own setups already and maybe will share their knowledge.0 -
We have been running Spryker in Kubernetes since early 2020. Works well.
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Will you please adviseΒ how is thisΒ implemented in more details?
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While analyzing docker sdk, I see a completely wrong approach (to my mind) in building images and using them as a corporate product, since everything is built on bash using not a best-practice approach
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We are building our own images using our own base images through GitLab CI. We are not using docker/sdk in CI/CD at all.
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That's really cool. We also use GitLab and the task is to transfer spyker to GitLab CI/CD. Could you please provide a part of the CI/CD on building images for spyker? That would help much.
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I don't know how much I can share here, but it's all basic stuff, really. We start from the official PHP-FPM containers and devise a base image compatible with spryker that also has composer. This is used for testing the code (running console commands) and also used as the base for our shop images. For the shop, we create one image that contains the code (which is used as yves/zed/glue pods) and one with nginx as a base for the assets. So our assets only contain the compiles assets in a bare nginx image.
To parameterize, we use a
environment where important stuff is overridden usinggetenv()
. Finally, we deploy to Kubernetes using Ansible, where the different stages are distinguished.0 -
docker build
for that shop image runs a customized install script, similar to the docker/sdk one but just a little different.0 -
Thanks for your reply
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