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hi guys, I am getting this error when I try to run `docker/sdk bootstrap` for the first time File
Where is the screenshot? 🙂
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Not that small... 😄
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I hoped to see if it's windows\wsl2 or not. 🙂
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I am running it on mac
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I am running on the root dir of my existing spryker project
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Is deploy.yml file there? 🙂
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I can't recall a single problem if the file is there and you run docker/sdk from project's root.
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nope ..
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But then you need to specify what deploy file to use instead. 🙂
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but this is the first time I am running it
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Without arguments bootstrap is trying to use deploy.yml.
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I thought I just need to run the command
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can I use ci/deploy.dev.yml as a boilerplate?
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Don't think so.
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how can I start it then?
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If the project previously didn't have a deploy file and you used vagrant as dev env, please look at the https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/deploy.dev.yml as an example.
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Having such a deploy file, just run
docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml
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I am working on b2b is it different?
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ok thanks
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Can you share more context please? 🙂
Is it an old project that was developed via vagrant devvm?
And now you would like to switch to docker/sdk one?0 -
so we have an old project developed on Vagrant … recently we upgraded Spryker to 202009,
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now we are planning to use docker for dev env
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I started by looking at the sdk page on github
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I thought the commands in the readme file to be how we should bootstrap
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We had a migration guide once. Let me try to find it.
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that would be great
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thank you
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