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hi guys, I am getting this error when I try to run `docker/sdk bootstrap` for the first time File
one more thing :
when I first run the command it complained that I have docker-compose version 2 and that I should have at least 1.22 π , I found out that I have another docker-compose command :
so I didmv docker-compose docker-compose-v2
andmv docker-compose-v1 docker-compose
does this look ok ?0 -
You can disable docker compose v2.
Open docker preferences and you should see βdisable docker compose v2β or something similar0 -
or using cli
docker-compose disable-v2
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thanks I will try this
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Yep, there is a checkbox in the Docker Desktop to use composer v2.
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Thank you very much I will look at it
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Hi @valerii.trots
I am getting this error when I try to startElastica\Exception\Connection\HttpException - Exception: Couldn't connect to host, Elasticsearch down? in /data/vendor/ruflin/elastica/lib/Elastica/Transport/Http.php (190) Command: vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources
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@UM9F81RCP make sure that you gave Docker enough resources to start all containers.
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I cannot give 14GB Ram!! hahah
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I have 16 only
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I gave 6 of them to docker
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well, you donβt need so much, but as much as you can
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btw I dont see a container for elastic search .. which one is it?
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it is probably not running because it couldnβt start. Try giving docker more resources, restart the daemon and try docker/sdk up again
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but in this case it should show an error?
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I dont see errors
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Do you have it defined in the deploy file like https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/deploy.dev.yml#L173?
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And per store like https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/deploy.dev.yml#L33?
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I copied the docker.dev.yaml as is without change from b2b demo shop code
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both store and service are defined
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oh btw I found the search container
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but there are no errors in the log
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can I run something like verndor/bin/install
I remember that we could something like that in gateway container but how?
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docker/sdk cli
and there you will be able to run any console commands.
But workflows are a bit different in docker env.For example you can just "reset" demo data by running
docker/sdk demo
Or build the project after you checked out other branch by runningdocker/sdk build
Or reset the project completely (like vendor/bin/install) by runningdocker/sdk reset
.0 -
hmm thanks
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I will try to do some debugging
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it looks like the configs got mixed because I included a file in the docker config that shulld not be there
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but now I get an exception
Elastica\Exception\ResponseException - Exception: Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:0
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