Glue API access-token and token endpoints
Hello all, I've been looking into the API specs of Spryker and I found that there are two types of toek requesting endpoints, one is '{{baseUrl}}/access-tokens' and another one is '{{baseUrl}}/token'. I couldn't make the latter work as well, tried a few options for passing the arguments and headers, but no luck. I would…
unable to call guest cart glue api in b2b marketplace demo shop
curl --location --request GET 'http://glue.us.spryker.local/guest-carts' \--header 'X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id: 164b-5708-8531' using above giving 404 not found , using b2b market place demo shop in local instance. { "errors": [ { "status": 404, "detail": "Not Found" } ]} any one please help me out , how to enable cart…
unable to call guest cart glue api in b2b marketplace demo shop
main domain over multiple AWS instances (regions) and Geo DNS
Hi! Does anybody has experience with following requirements: shop.customer.com/country1/language1 → points to store in AWS region in Australia for example shop.customer.com/country2/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east shop.customer.com/country3/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east as well…
Bug: Twig cache warmer does not respect twig files on (second) project level
Hello everyone! I have a problem with the console command to warm up the Twig caches. Console twig:cache:warmer This command doesn't seem to respect our project structure as it should. structure src <OurProjectNamespace> … Yves … Pyz … Yves … Every time we use the command "console twig:cache:warmer", a file…
Trigger command from backoffice
Hi team, I need to trigger a data export command from the back office, but I'm not sure how to do it. The command works fine in Jenkins, but I need to run it from the back office.
How to add a deploy key.
Hi Team, I have a private composer github repository that are configured with deploy key (can be access using deploy key). I have that deploy key, now I am not sure how to add that deploy key with my current spryker b2b marketplace setup. Where can I add this information in my yml files. If someone could provide any…
Having 403 Forbiddon error while saving manage attribute in product backoffice on server?
When we go into product section in backoffice we have manage attribute in which we can assign and update attribute values in product but when i click on Save button that ajax request comes with 403 Forbiddon error . That error is only occures in Production Environment but in local there is not any error .How can i solve…
Is default Bcc is broken ?
Hi team, I am using the default Spryker mailer and trying to set the BCC email, but it is not being set. Can anyone confirm if the default code should work fine, or is there something specific I should check? I have debugged, and my BCC email is being set, but it does not appear in the headers. Thanks!
notification icon on order in navigation merchant portal
How can we implement notification for navigation in merchant portal. We have a scenario. Let say 5 new order is created so we want to show 5 in order tab in navigation. Please suggest.
Facing issue in creating custom index in Elastic Search
Hello Team, Following this document(, we are trying to create new custom index in Elastic Search. But not able to get it. Please suggest.
Shipping Prices After Discount
We have multiple shipping methods with different prices. There is a cart rule in place that says, customer should receive free shipping when order amount is greater than X. When we provide the data to the front-end using GLUE checkout-data endpoint, there are all shipping methods with their prices in the response. The…
sync:data doesn't work in an edge case
If getSynchronizationDataQueryExpanderStrategyPlugin() returns the "WhereBetween" plugin as it does in spryker-suite: and the auto-increment id in spy_product_abstract_page_search and/or spy_product_concrete_page_search doesn't start from zero (or technically between 0 and chunk size), then sync:data product_abstract and…
Unable to open Store and Backoffice in local host.
Hi, After updating spryker using "compose update", frontstore and backoffice are not working under spryker.local Frontstore: Backoffice:
Where do Jenkins job logs go?
I don't know if I'm missing something again, but seems I cannot find logs created during Jenkins job runs anywhere in Cloudwatch. In the Jenkins UI I can of course see the console output and stuff per run, but doing like $this→getLogger()→error("stuff") in job code doesn't send anything to Cloudwatch.
Creates agent's access token issue
I'm trying to generate a token for an agent user but it gives an exception Undefined array key "customer_reference" during mapping customerIdentifier to RestUserTransfer /agent-access-tokens $customerIdentifier = $this->utilEncodingService->decodeJson( $oauthAccessTokenDataTransfer->getOauthUserId(), true, ); // this is…
I have used command docker/sdk console cache:empty-all to clean up the Sample Spryker B2B shop Data
Hello All, I have used command docker/sdk console cache:empty-all to clean up the Sample Spryker B2B shop Data. The data is cleared from the storefront. However, still it is present in the Spryker Backoffice. How can I get rid of it ?
FYI: symfony/filesystem version 6.4.7 breaks some console commands
For example propel:install fails with ErrorException - Exception: fileperms(): stat failed for /data/src/Orm/Propel/Schema//spy_acl.schema.xml This is because of using the STFU operator @ to silence fileperms() in vendor/symfony/filesystem/Filesystem.php:689 and from what I understand, Spryker's error handler doesn't like…
How to retrieve the checkout summary "/checkout/summary" via glue
I'm trying to find a way how to get the cart summary overview "/checkout/summary" via glue. Art their any endpoints?
How to use the default address when post checkout data via glue
Hey spryker, Your example "Request sample: submit checkout data with a split shipment and addresses passed as IDs". Does not work. The Response ist always: { "errors": [ { "code": "901", "status": 422, "detail": "shipments.0.items => This field is missing." }, { "code": "901", "status": 422, "detail":…
Facing issue while creating a "Custom component" in Spryker B2B demo shop
Hi All, I am creating a custom component in B2B-Demo-Shop and have followed the document linked below to complete the task. However, I am facing some issues. Please review the attached screenshot and help me resolve this issue. Document Link: Creating Components Screenshot: Below is the content of my twig file for your…
A voucher code used by multiple user but each customer uses the code once.
Is it possible to have one discount code used by multiple customers say 10, but each customer uses the code once? I have checked the Spryker documentation as well as Backoffice discount. I did not find any relevant setting for that. We are using b2b marketplace.
Backend Gateway not working on Local Environment
Hello Team, We are calling backed gateway but unable to complete my request. Getting below error. "Spryker \ Shared \ ZedRequest \ Client \ Exception \ RequestException (500)Failed to complete request with server authority http://backend-gateway.de.spryker.default.local. Configured with (SSL Disabled)…
Override Form Using Plugin
Hello Team, I want to add new field in this from class "/vendor/spryker/product-attribute-gui/src/Spryker/Zed/ProductAttributeGui/Communication/Form/AttributeForm.php" using plugin concept. Tell me the steps how can we achive this?
How can I quickly move CMS and catalog data from Spryker development to production?
Hi Team, I have completed my development in Spryker and need to export my CMS and catalog data to my newly set-up production server. Does anyone have suggestions or know of a fast solution for moving data from the development environment to production? Thanks.
Can i show my custom module in frontend without modifying the RouterDependencyProvider.php file?
Hi Team, I have create a custom module inside src/Pyz/Yves and using that i am showing the homepage. Inside the src/Pyz/Yves/Router/RouterDependencyProvider.php, I have replaced new HomePageRouteProviderPlugin() with my custom module plugin i.e new CustomRouteProviderPlugin() and right now homepage is loading from my…
Improve commercequest's code editor?
Posting here because I don't see a way to post it in "COMMUNITY IDEAS AND FEEDBACK" I kind of get annoyed with the 'code editor' in this forum, it's clunky and doesn't even offer syntax highlighting. Ideally we'd have something like the markdown code blocks, where I can just add three tildes (```) to start a code block,…
Sudden random fail whales and gateway exceptions when running app in debug mode
Since 1 day ago, my entire team has been experiencing random fail whales and gateway issues when running app in debug mode. I am not aware of any specific update in the code that could cause this. The only common thing is that we are all on docker and mac os. This happens usually when there is an interaction between yves…
How can we fetch the product information from sku id on frontend?
Hi Team, i want to show product information like product name, price , image etc on frontend based on their sku id , Is their any exampe code that you can share?
Elasticsearch / Opensearch images and their plugins
Hi, I was messing with Elasticsearch analyzers, as one does, and noticed that analysis-icu plugin was not available in the official Spryker images (ES or OS). IMHO it would be a good idea to update the images' plugins to match approximately what the cloud supports: Unless there's a way to add plugins through deploy.*.yml,…