How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url on yves
Spryker + OpenSwoole or other PHP network frameworks
Hi everyone, Recently I tried out to implement the OpenSwoole framework in my local dev setup of the B2B demo shop. OpenSwoole is a event-driven, asynchronous network framework with non-blocking I/O. The big advantage you have with the framework (in addition to other features like coroutines) is that the rather costly…
Rounding errors in tax calculation
Hi there, while in the process of integrating payment providers and accounting software, we noticed that there are rounding errors for the tax calculation which we could also verify to happen in the demo-shop: (check the different gross prices) Is this a known issue? As our accounting and payment solutions calculate their…
product sets listing page
Hey Team, I want to configure the product sets listing page as shown in the attached image can anyone guide me on how I can do this
Merchant portal console JavaScript error
Hello, I have the following error in console after security updates. Error: LocaleService: Cannot switch to unknown locale <pt> Before login or after login.
Yves: Best way to wait for CDN scripts to be load?
We use some third party integrations in our application which are provided by a CDN (e.g. Sentry). The docs here describe how to include such libraries. But the second part does not work for us when we try to access the library: in general: How should import nameOfLibrary from './name-of-library' be configured to work if…
Save the Date for our Spryker Hackathon (March 13-14)!
Hey all, I just shared the latest information about our next Hackathon coming up in March - just click here to read all about it and sign up if you're able to join us! 🤩
duplicate config in stores.php?
I can't help but notice that in the demoshop stores.php, the contents is almost duplicated, having a if (getenv('SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES')) { statement at the beginning of the first block. I don't seem to find any documented explanation to this behaviour. Can someone explain why is this?
How can i install the ACP framework on Ubuntu VM(external server)?
Hello everyone, Recently i got a ubuntu 22.04 VM on a external server and i have to install the ACP framework on it. Unfortunately, the ports 80, 443 and 3000 are already used and i have to use others for the ACP docker containers. I changed the host ports for the Nginx container in the…
How to Setup SSO in Yves for Customer login in b2b marketplace.
I want to setup SSO Login or Third party login for Yves for login my customer with third party like Okta. I want to integrate Login with okta in my yves for customer. So is there any module present for Oauth for yves like in backoffice we have a module for third party login. So how can i integrate in yves for Okta SSO…
How to integrate the paypal into Spryker B2C?
hello Everyone I saw B2C demo site and see there're 2 default payment methods Credit card and invoice I check the OMS process documentation also but wonder how to integrate the paypal - payment gateway into the Spryker B2C. Is there any OOTB supporting application or We have to develop it Ourselves ?
Can't checkout newly created custom product without creating it's merchant from backoffice?
I have created a custom product for my custom category. while checkout payment option is not available for that particular product. as I created offer by the merchant for that product. then only, the payment option will be there . so , is there any way to checkout that product without creating any merchant offer.
Need Help with Payment System in Spryker Project
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing good. I am working on a project with Spryker and need to add a payment system to it. I checked Spryker's guide and saw they have some payment partners like Payone, Unzer, and Braintree. But, to test them, we need to talk to their sales team for some special access. I tried adding…
How can i write a seprate js or ts in Yves module and use them as assets anywhere in application.
I want to write client side js ts file in yves apart from component js and use them in any view file.
How can we print data coming from controller in homepage?
Hi Everyone, I am trying to print a simple Hello World data coming from controller and wanted it to be printed on homepage/frontend(same as in the hello world backoffice https://safari.spryker.com/learn/course/339/play/2465/hello-world-page-task-description;lp=83)but in fontend. For that i created a folder (Demo) in…
How do you create a new module on the project?
Every new feature on the project is supposed to be developed inside a new module. Either a ProductMatrix, CustomSearch or Sms. How do you approach the new module in the beginning? My options are: use an existing module that resembles needed functionality and perform a cleanup use Spryks I'm more than happy too hear your…
Hide a oms transition for specific customer
I m using oms state machine that have transition common for new and exiting customer. I want to hide a transition for exiting customer. how can I do that?
Error in build step during aws codepipeline deployment
hi team i was setting up my codebase in aws and i am facing this error [Container] 2024/01/25 10:37:59.736086 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: docker login -u ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME} -p ${DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD} || true
Login prevention
Hello Team, I am looking for a way to prevent non-logged-in customers from accessing my Spryker shop. I want to know where the first script runs or where the session check occurs so that I can set up login prevention without adding logic to each controller. Is there an entry point where I can implement this?
Attempting to override a core Spryker protected method within the Pyz namespace
I am attempting to override a core Spryker method by modifying a file within the Pyz namespace in Spryker. The specific file is located at: vendor/spryker/glue-application/src/Spryker/Glue/GlueApplication/Rest/Request/RestRequestValidator.php My goal is to update the validateRequest() method. I have taken the following…
Using files from File Manager for content items
Hello everyone. I have a question about using files loaded by File Manager. I am creating a content item that will use a photo file. I want this photo to be able to be loaded via File Manager and then to be used. By default, the loaded file is located in: data/DE/media/files However, I cannot use it yet. Only after running…
Can the confirmation registration email be sent using the configuration of a different store than th
Hello everyone, I aim to send the confirmation email based on the user's selected country. For instance, if a customer creates an account with the US as their country, I would like to send the email using the configuration of the US store, even if the customer registered using the DE store.
How to check for security patches
Hi all, I am currently looking for a way to check if we have implemented the latest security fixes or if there is anything left on some projects. Unfortunately, we have a project that is still on an older Spryker version. The release documentation is not available anymore, as the old documentation was archived on GitHub…
How can i use Dynamic assets ?
Hi team, I have created and uploaded various types of files like png, and jpg and now I want to access them how can I use them in Yves or Zed? I have checked the documentation but didn't find a solution.
Potentially invalid RabbitMQ deliveryTag type.
Hello, I found that Spryker defines QueueReceiveMessageTransfer::deliveryTag as string.Is it correct? RabbitMQ documentation says it is longlong, so shouldn't it be int in PHP? See https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#domain.delivery-tag
Bug in generating keys for Redis.
Hi I'm working on implmentation of FactFinder in spryker system. I found out that sku that gets returned from FactFinder is used to generate redis key. With that redis key we are querying redis to get the data. Method in ProductAbstractStorageReader…
Why my Glue Backend API endpoint does not require authentication?
In my resource, I have set the IsProtected as true for this particular method but the endpoint still works without authentication. Can someone please advise? Here is how I have set it: public function getDeclaredMethods(): GlueResourceMethodCollectionTransfer { return (new GlueResourceMethodCollectionTransfer())->setGet(…
Exception with Glue Backend API Module
I followed this tutorial to create a backend resource for Glue Backend API. But I am getting this error. Can anyone please help me with what might be the problem? GLUE_BACKEND Exception Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Transfer\Exception\NullValueException - Property "application" of transfer…
How can i fetch set products using Glue API.
I want to fetch Product set using Glue API i din't find any Api for fetching Set product. How can i ?