OOTB translations of demo shop
Hi, are there maybe out of the box translations for yves for demo shop? We have task to introduce multiple languages like french, dutch, spanish, italian to project.
Dynamic Frontend Strategies for Yves?
Currently we work with a 'mostly vanilla' b2b setup, where Yves is rendering static content. We have a requirement to reduce the number of page loads in certain situations, having a more dynamic experience. We have some ideas, but I was wondering if the Herd had some suggestions, known-to-work patterns or just some…
Hi team, I've got my FTP credentials ready. Now, I'm looking to push files into it. Could you please provide guidance on how to do this? Alternatively, is there a module I can refer to for assistance? Thank you. Best regards, Bhupendra
Glue-Storefront custom routes
Hoi together 👋, We have created a custom route in the Glue storefront. e.g. (GET /dummy/foo). Now we would like to be able to pass on a parameter, but it doesn't seem to work that easily. e.g. (GET /dummy/foo/{id}). Hence the question: Where do I have to set this so that an ID is accepted at the end and no 404 appears?…
Running Elasticsearch locally with multiple nodes
Hi, we ran into the "inconsistent scoring" issue in our production environment. While the fix was pretty simple (change search_type to dfs_query_then_fetch), I currently don't have a way of verifying it since production AWS is the only place that uses more than one ES node. Is there a way to run Elasticsearch locally with…
Customer verification
Hi Team, I made a customer account for Yves but missed verifying it via email, so now I can't log in. Only got one email for resetting the password. Can you help fix this on our live system? Thanks, Bhupendra
As we have dynamic product labes features is documentation mentioned that only developer can create dynamic product option , how we can create new dynamic product option.
How to show Product Description on PLP?
when we come to PLP page of any Category it shows only Product name and price i need to show description as well on plp.
How to customize or remove shipping from step engine ?
Hello Everyone I want to remove shipping from checkout step so is there any out of box functionality available in spryker ?
Backend API invalid_client error when try to get token
Hi, I've just follow with doc to get access token as a backoffice user. Body: x-www-form-urlencoded: grant_type=password username=admin@spryker.com password=change123 POST https://glue-backend.de.spryker.local/token/ I get response: [ { "code": "invalid_client", "status": 400, "message": "Client authentication failed" }].…
how to add new config in spryker backoffice & store that in db, then print it to frontend?
Hi, I have added navigation in spryker backoffice and in that added a label and a input tag and save button to store the data into the database in config/zed/navigation.xml <hello-antelopes> <label>Hello World</label> <title>Hello World</title> <bundle>training</bundle> <controller>hello</controller> <action>index</action>…
How does the config file inheritance work?
Is it something like this? config/Shared/config-default.php config/Shared/config-default_{store}.php config/Shared/config-default_{environment_name}.php config/Shared/config-default_{environment_name}_{store}.php Or is it only using ? config/Shared/config-default_{environment_name}.php…
Attachment into the mail
"Hello Team, I have generated a PDF file and stored it in the directory "data/mypdf/test.pdf". Now, I want to attach this file to an email that I'm sending out. However, I'm having trouble using the MailAttachmentTransfer methods. I'm not able to set the type of attachment or the content. Can anyone help me achieve my…
How to add new product concrete column in Item Transfer inside Quote Transfer during the checkout?
I want to expand my product concrete with KBN field additional to existing sku and I want to add it to the Item Transfer in Quote Transfer during checkout process. How should I do that? I tried to expand Item transfer, and productConcreteStorage transfer - both with kbn field, I managed to brought it to storage, but I…
Moving to SymfonyMailer
After I moved from current Mailer to SymfonyMailer for mail sending, I've occured a problem with AWS parameters on staging and prod. Locally with mailcatcher it works as supposed, but when I deploy it to STAGE and try I get this: ``` Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException - Connection could not be…
Can I remove the id/variable between parent and child Glue route URL?
After following the tutorial above, I get the following URL for my child resource: https://glue-storefront.mysprykershop.com/module/1/bar. is there a way to remove /1/ from the URL? Ideally, the url should be …/module/bar/…
Spryker: How to implement ES index recreation by switching the index on fly?
We want to update ElasticSearch synonyms in “page” index. With current implementation, we first delete the index and then run ES reindex. This causes ~2h gap that all products aren’t visible. $PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console elasticsearch:index:delete $PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources $PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console…
Restricting Storefront Access for Anonymous Customers
Hi Spryker community, I'm currently working on configuring my Spryker storefront to restrict access for anonymous customers, redirecting them to the login page. I've come across a configuration for this purpose, but I'm facing some challenges in modifying the regex patterns. The current configuration I'm using is as…
Backend Api Key Authorization
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how api key authorization works. I'm trying to follow this doc But looks like the the instructions are quite inadequate. The example in the doc doesn't even compile, there is no setController method in Ruoute and RouteCollection add api is not correctly used. Is there a fully functional example…
How can give permission to route to access it without login in merchant portal.
I have one custom route which i want to acess it in merchant portal without login in merchant portal , like we are using login and login_check route . How can i do that.
How can i setup SSO for merchant portal for Okta Integration .
I want to integrate Okta SSO for merchant portal login we have OAuth User module for backoffice name SecurityOauthUser for using SSO login , but if i want the same for merchant portal login so how can i do that . Is there any build in module availabel or i have to create custom for that , i created same module with some…
Yves payload too large
Hello, when I try to upload file bigger than 1MB I get an error on Yves side that the Payload is too large. Where that can be configured?
How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url on yves
Spryker + OpenSwoole or other PHP network frameworks
Hi everyone, Recently I tried out to implement the OpenSwoole framework in my local dev setup of the B2B demo shop. OpenSwoole is a event-driven, asynchronous network framework with non-blocking I/O. The big advantage you have with the framework (in addition to other features like coroutines) is that the rather costly…
Rounding errors in tax calculation
Hi there, while in the process of integrating payment providers and accounting software, we noticed that there are rounding errors for the tax calculation which we could also verify to happen in the demo-shop: (check the different gross prices) Is this a known issue? As our accounting and payment solutions calculate their…
product sets listing page
Hey Team, I want to configure the product sets listing page as shown in the attached image can anyone guide me on how I can do this
Merchant portal console JavaScript error
Hello, I have the following error in console after security updates. Error: LocaleService: Cannot switch to unknown locale <pt> Before login or after login.
Yves: Best way to wait for CDN scripts to be load?
We use some third party integrations in our application which are provided by a CDN (e.g. Sentry). The docs here describe how to include such libraries. But the second part does not work for us when we try to access the library: in general: How should import nameOfLibrary from './name-of-library' be configured to work if…
Save the Date for our Spryker Hackathon (March 13-14)!
Hey all, I just shared the latest information about our next Hackathon coming up in March - just click here to read all about it and sign up if you're able to join us! 🤩