Use Data Exchange Api to create a product - page_search entries missing
Hello, I'm currently trying to import products via the Data Exchange Api. I'm using this list of requests to create the product abstract and the one concrete: POST /dynamic-entity/product-abstracts POST /dynamic-entity/products POST /dynamic-entity/product-abstract-localized-attributes POST…
How to create a navigation only in merchant portal which not reflect in backoffice ?
Hello All I am creating a navigation into merchant portal as per documentation crating new navigation in config/zed/navigation.xml in that way : But the navigation shown into merchant portal and backoffice both. I only want to show only in merchant portal.
PreAuthUserCheckPlugins not executed anymore current demo shop?
Hello, I'm trying to execute some custom logic to verify customers prior to login. The interface \SprykerShop\Yves\CustomerPageExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PreAuthUserCheckPluginInterface seems to be the right fit, and I remember that we enabled a plugin at some point in the project…
OMS timeout API inconsistency
So, I was doing some micro-optimizations and noticed that: \Spryker\Zed\Oms\Business\OrderStateMachine\Timeout::dropOldTimeouts works differently than \Spryker\Zed\Oms\Business\OrderStateMachine\Timeout::dropOldTimeout where dropOldTimeout (singular) checks if the source state has a timeout event and drops it if it does,…
Custom discount module
Hi, I am working on the Annex Cloud Loyalty project where on successful order customer get loyalty points. I have to create a custom discount module with consume the loyalty points based to the loyalty calculation it reduces the cart amount which should be apply loyalty point discount. Please help me…. It'll be highly…
ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS while upgrading 202212.0 to 202307.0
This question is related to this topic where @M.abdallah has the same issue. It's not said how the issue was solved, so I would like to have some help about this. So, my issue is after having replaced deprecated SecurityPlugins by the new YvesSecurityPlugins and ZedSecurityPlugins, I could avoid the error…
Tip: Updating Elasticsearch synonyms list on-the-fly
So it came up that many Spryker customers wish there was a backoffice GUI for maintaining a synonyms list for the site search. Well there isn't, but technically it's a relatively simple operation: // Get index $index = $this->client->getIndex($this->indexName); // Close index $index->close(); // Update settings…
The option "constraints" does not exist.
Hello here, I've just upgraded my app from 202212.0 to 202404.0 thanks to upgrader tool (and the doc…). I'm now able to build my app with no issue, but when I go to the shop, every form throw this UndefinedOptionsException about 'constraints' option. If I comment the constraint option in forms, the form can be displayed.…
Default error levels
Hi, is there a reason the default error levels are: $config[ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL] = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; $config[ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL_LOG_ONLY] = E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED; Mostly since that also includes E_WARNING which is, you know, just a warning, but now throws…
Impersonating Agent and Customer log out each other
Hi fellow Devs 👋 I noticed, that an agent that is impersonating a customer is being logged out if the customer logs in. Also the other way around, a customer is being logged out if an agent impersonates this customer. (Tested with current master) This seems to be related to…
How Logout functionality works for all portal in b2b marketplace , and how can be customize it.
I am using Okta SSO , for login into portal , when i logout backoffice so i want to logout okta session too so i have to hit another URL for logout so bacisaclly i want to customize logout functionality , i didn't get any handeler or plugin like authenticationSuccessHandler, so whene that log out code is , how can i…
How can I get concrete products on catalog page instead of abstracts?
We want to show first available concrete product on catalog page. Therefore, currently we are fetching abstract data from algolia/elasticsearch. How can we adjust that?
Order Confirmation Mail Notification
Hi All, I'm facing an issue related to order mails. I'm receiving account related mails, like customer registration and forgot password. But, I'm unable to receive any mails for order processing, not even for order creation. Can anyone help me out?
how can create new custom module in merchant portal also add navigation in this ?
Hello Team Hope this message finds you well, Currently i am working on an issue in merchant portal i want to create a new module in merchant portal and add navigation for in merchant portal for custom development . I created a module and follow documentation for creating module in merchant portal also add one navigation in…
Jenkins plugins
Hi, quick question: do Jenkins plugins (that I manually enable in the GUI) persist between deployments, or is the instance recreated every time? Of course I could just, you know, try and see, but I don't wanna right now :)
Calculation of depending discounts
Hello, We have a problem using discounts that are depending on other discounts. As far as i can see, spryker takes the quote and calculates the discounts based on the values in the quote by adding everything up to a calculated "DiscountTransfer"s collection and apply everything once AFTER the decision was made IF and HOW…
Extend Gui Tables with filter options
Hello, we need to implement a general filter feature for at least some of the spryker zed gui tables like orders, product catalog, discounts etc. This would include something like dropdown boxes and combined filters for helping backoffice users to find for example orders in a certain state. As far as i can see, any of the…
S3 bucket issue
Hello Team, Today, we've set up the S3 bucket details in the config_default.php file. With this configuration, we can successfully retrieve all uploaded files from S3 within our custom module for processing custom data. Is there a method provided by Spryker to execute the default import from an S3 bucket?
Activate blackfire in AWS (PaaS)
Hi, I have a question about profiling in AWS. I have entered the BlackfireIDs and tokens in the deploy.*.yml file and activated the PHP extension. php -m on the console lists the Blackfire extension. However, the Blackfire command is not found. I have only started the normal deploy pipeline. Or does it need the destructive…
Getting Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null in
I am trying to import combined product csv file but when I run import I ma getting error Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/Model/ProductAbstractStore/Writer/ProductAbstractStorePropelDataSetWriter.php (69) Below Is the configuration of…
Double Opt-In not working on symfony/security-core 6.4?
Hi Dev-Community 👋 I tested the Double Opt-In Feature on https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop.git current master in development-mode and wasn't able to completely confirm its functionality: Expected Behavior: Customer creates an account Customer sees the "Almost there! We send you an email to validate your email…
Generating backend Glue documentation fails when dynamic-entity installed
Running docker/sdk cli vendor/bin/glue api:generate:documentation --application backend fails when dynamic-entity is installed: Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException - Exception: Database map was not initialized. Please check the database loader script included by your conf. Visit…
Hreflang for separated store setup
For optimizing SEO, we would need a "hreflang" reference for a product detail page, pointing to the same product on (any) other existing language. E.g. a PDP for abc.shop.de/product/1234 would contain something like <link href="abc.shop.fr/product/1234" hreflang="fr_FR"> <link href="abc.shop.es/product/1234"…
Get Referer after login
Hello, Currently on our app, we are redirected on a defined page (for the example let's say /landing-page ) after login, whatever the link (for example /whatever-category/random-product ) which brought us on the website. So if someone wants to share a link "www.mywonderfulplatform.com/whatever-category/random-product". I…
How to run swagger URL for US locale
By Default Swagger is running for DE locale, how can we run it to US locale
I am getting exception while trying to get product with this API http://glue-backend.de.spryker.loca
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\QueryExecutor\QueryExecutionException - Unable to execute statement [SELECT spy_product_abstract.id_product_abstract, spy_product_abstract.fk_tax_set, spy_product_abstract.approval_status, spy_product_abstract.attributes, spy_product_abstract.color_code, spy_product_abstract.new_from,…
I am facing error while running codecept run tests after migrating spryker to latest version
So, I have verified the codeception.yml files as such but I am not sure about how to fix this. so, if anyone have idea about this help me out
Add Asciifolding filter search to ElasticSearch
Hey here, For our catalog search, we need to ignore accents. I can easily add the fuzzyquery filter to my search, but I don't have relevant result. I think, the perfect filter should be the Asciifolding, but it seems not to be implemented. How could I add this native ES filter to my Spryker project?! Thank you for all!
Is there an easy way to configure post build actions for Jenkins jobs via code?
Without a way for doing so, any such actions need to be set up manually again after each instance restart/regeneration. It would be nice if this chore could be avoided. As I see, this is not possible via the jenkins php file, although that would be the simplest. Or am I missing something…? (I hope, otherwise custom…
Type hinting in PHPStorm for transfer object collections
Hello community! Recently on our project we've updated the `spryker/transfer` module, including this version: In the changelog, it says: Adjusted docblock type hint for the collection using generic syntax ArrayObject<Object> instead ArrayObject|Object[]. This improvement makes sense to me, but PHPStorm does not support…