How does Spyker go from thinking of a design pattern to use to implementation? Do you have some kind
How does Spyker go from thinking of a design pattern to use to implementation? Do you have some kind of architect guiding developers so everybody is on the same page?
Hi everyone,
I have to execute the commande "vendor/bin/console data:import" from Jenkins to import
Hi everyone, I have to execute the commande "vendor/bin/console data:import" from Jenkins to import all the data from my .csv files. In the documentation it explained that it's possible but even when i follow the tutorial step by step it does'nt work and return "vendor/bin/console: not found" Someone have an idea to…
Hi Everyone,
I am using Spryker Zed table functionality to display data list form database table, he
Hi Everyone, I am using Spryker Zed table functionality to display data list form database table, here I have used the sorting and search filter which is already provided but i want one more filter on date like from date/to date, so there's any functionality out of box for this or any other way for this? Thanks.
Hello all, I have added a POST route to my Glue resource (check the code below)
``` public function
Hello all, I have added a POST route to my Glue resource (check the code below) public function configure(ResourceRouteCollectionInterface $resourceRouteCollection) : ResourceRouteCollectionInterface { // to get all pickup points $resourceRouteCollection->addGet('get', true); // to add a pickup point…
Hello all, I have created a GatewayController inside my Zed module but it seems like it is not getti
Hello all, I have created a GatewayController inside my Zed module but it seems like it is not getting resolved. I keep getting this error. Can someone please help? - No route found for "POST <http://backend-gateway.de.spryker.local/addax-pickup-points/gateway/add-pickup-point-to-queue>"
Hi, if anyone successfully integrate Marketplace to a Spryker B2B Shop project? Described in
Hi, if anyone successfully integrate Marketplace to a Spryker B2B Shop project? Described in https://docs.spryker.com/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/202204.0/marketplace-merchant-feature-integration.html After run composer require spryker-feature/marketplace-merchant:"202204.0" --update-with-dependencies I…
Hello all, I am trying to use Spryk commands to create modules but it doesn't work. I tried `docke
Hello all, I am trying to use Spryk commands to create modules but it doesn't work. I tried docker/sdk console spryk:run --module=TestModule .. Can you please tell me if this is the right command?
Hello, when trying to install b2b-demo-marketplace, I get the following error:
```Command yves-build
Hello, when trying to install b2b-demo-marketplace, I get the following error: Command yves-build-frontend [vendor/bin/console frontend:yves:build] (In progress...)Store: DE | Environment: docker.devInstall Merchant Portal dependenciesOutput trimmed, only last 100 lines shown.Store: DE | Environment: docker.devInstall Zed…
```git clone git@github.com:spryker/docker-sdk.git docker```
git clone git@github.com:spryker/docker-sdk.git docker
Hello all, I have been creating Glue modules but I see the `RestResponseInterface` that my Glue ac
Hello all, I have been creating Glue modules but I see the RestResponseInterface that my Glue actions return will soon be depreciated. Can someone please advise me what is the alternative to this? For reference, please see the following code: public function getAction(RestRequestInterface $restRequest):…
I am trying to install B2B-DEMO-SHOP using docker. when I try to bootstrap with deploy.yml its wo
Hi I am trying to install B2B-DEMO-SHOP using docker. when I try to bootstrap with deploy.yml its working fine BUT when I try to bootstrap it using deploy.dev.yml and then I run command docker/sdk up I am getting error "Service database is not running. Please check the name". Please help me to know where I am doing wrong.
Hi did anyone encounter this error after changing data import to use flysystem s3 bucket? I haven't
Hi did anyone encounter this error after changing data import to use flysystem s3 bucket? I haven't changed full_EU.yml, so every file should have path like /common/common/ but here it doesn't look there. I know it reads some other files, because there are events published to queues and also company_business_unit_user.csv…
Any ideas how to "functionaly" Demo the composability of Spryker ?
Any ideas how to "functionaly" Demo the composability of Spryker ?
Is this documentation up to date?
Is this documentation up to date? https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/202204.0/glue-backend-api/how-to-guides/how-to-create-a-resource.html I'm trying to follow it but nothing happens. The old deprecated api extensions work
Any clue ? (Docker desktop on MAC)
Any clue ? (Docker desktop on MAC)
Hi everyone, "The AOP Catalog, can not be displayed, because its technical configuration is incomple
Hi everyone, "The AOP Catalog, can not be displayed, because its technical configuration is incomplete. Please contact your Administrator!" in the "Apps" menu in the backoffice. Any clue ?
Hi Tam I am getting bellow errors , can anyone please help me with this ??
Hi Tam I am getting bellow errors , can anyone please help me with this ??
Hi there !
Did someone know how to create a first products category in the back-office ?
Hi there ! Did someone know how to create a first products category in the back-office ?
@UL6DGRULR phpstan command takes so long to generate a report for this specific file. Please guide
@UL6DGRULR phpstan command takes so long to generate a report for this specific file. Please guide me on what to do with it.
Can we call Zed modules through the Glue API modules? Like this:
```public function addAntelopeQueu
Can we call Zed modules through the Glue API modules? Like this: public function addAntelopeQueueImporterProviderFacade(Container $container) : Container { $container->set(static::CLIENT_ANTELOPE_IMPORT, function (Container $container){ $object = $container->getLocator()->antelopeQueueImporter()->facade(); }); return…
Hello guys,
I recently discovered that pushing and popping items to/from the Queue should only be d
Hello guys, I recently discovered that pushing and popping items to/from the Queue should only be done through Zed. Just for my knowledge, can someone please tell me what's the use of Client/Queue module? I am assuming the modules available in Client folder are supposed to be accessable by Glue, Zed and Yves. If Queue is…
Hello, I’m getting errors when I try to run the test suite in b2c-demo-shop. running `vendor/bin/cod
Hello, I’m getting errors when I try to run the test suite in b2c-demo-shop. running vendor/bin/codecept run on the host machine gives an error Webdriver server never became reachable. running vendor/bin/codecept run inside the cli container gives this error Webdriver executable not found: vendor/bin/chromedriver running…
Hello all,
I am trying to add a test message to queue via a glue endpoint, I get the following erro
Hello all, I am trying to add a test message to queue via a glue endpoint, I get the following error: Glue.ERROR: Default queue connection not found. You can fix this by adding `RabbitMqEnv::RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_CONNECTION = true` in your queue connection in `config_*.php` files {"trace":"#0…
Am I missing anything in my configuration?
Am I missing anything in my configuration?
Moved: Error when using an entity from Propel
This discussion has been moved.
After step 5 *docker/sdk up* how do I open the demo shop in the browser?
After step 5 docker/sdk up how do I open the demo shop in the browser?
Step 6 given below does not open the demo shop in the browser
Step 6 given below does not open the demo shop in the browser
Hello, I have a component that contains both an ajax-provider and an ajax-loader. During the initia
Hello, I have a component that contains both an ajax-provider and an ajax-loader. During the initialization of the component, I fetch the data via the ajax-provider (and once loaded update the DOM). My problem now is that the ajax-loader is not yet mounted, and thus does not show the loading spinner when the…
Hello guys,
when i run command docker/sdk up
it gives me *ERROR resolve image conf
Hello guys, when i run command docker/sdk up it gives me ERROR resolve image config for docker.io/docker/dockerfile:experimental root@Ashu:~/Spryker/b2c-demo-shop# docker/sdk up Warning: Neither SSH agent or COMPOSER_AUTH is configured. Private repositories would not be accessible. [+] Building 5.2s (3/3) FINISHED =>…
Hello guys,
When implementing a queue importer, I am getting this exception:
`Exception - Exception
Hello guys, When implementing a queue importer, I am getting this exception: Exception - Exception: Writer is not defined. Any clue?