Anyone an idea how to speedup abstract/concrete product requests via GLUE? We have with many abstrac
Anyone an idea how to speedup abstract/concrete product requests via GLUE? We have with many abstract and concrete products request times > 5 / > 10 seconds? for example: • 1 master (abstract product) has about 200 variantes (concrete products) with attributes
Hi guys, as I mentioned before my colleagues are trying to set up Glue API, and we are having proble
Hi guys, as I mentioned before my colleagues are trying to set up Glue API, and we are having problems where it seems that zed is refusing connection from glue using stub i.e. /oauth/gateway/... or /test/gateway… I am not sure what we are doing wrong, could this be some kind of infrastructure configuration failure. Glue…
I currently try to use the new Theme feature. I configured the theme in the provided config and adde
I currently try to use the new Theme feature. I configured the theme in the provided config and added the “$config[TwigConstants::YVES_THEME] =” parameter to the config. The problem currently is that my theme files are not being considered when they are generated. Although the changes show in the frontend when I edit them…
Hey everybody!
I'm looking into how I can get Spryker to work with AmazonSQS. Does any of you have t
Hey everybody! I'm looking into how I can get Spryker to work with AmazonSQS. Does any of you have the experience? Where do I best start? I see only one note in general description about AmazonSQS: https://documentation.spryker.com/capabilities/development/queue/queue.htm?Highlight=AmazonSQS
Hi guys, I introduced akeneo to my spryker project, and it can not seem to find ProductAbstractProp
Hi guys, I introduced akeneo to my spryker project, and it can not seem to find ProductAbstractPropelWriterPlugin class. Anyone has any idea in wich update was that introduced or am I missing something
Is there another place where the SchedulerTwigPlugin has to be registered? Actually it is in TwigDep
Is there another place where the SchedulerTwigPlugin has to be registered? Actually it is in TwigDependencyProvider getTwigPlugins()
hi, this happens when trying to access the discounts list in zed, after updating some modules ```ZED
hi, this happens when trying to access the discounts list in zed, after updating some modules ``` ZED Exception Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException - Unable to execute SELECT statement [SELECT spy_discount.id_discount, spy_discount.fk_discount_voucher_pool, spy_discount.fk_store, spy_discount.amount,…
I have those properties in tax and shipment, any other ideas?
I have those properties in tax and shipment, any other ideas?
Hello everyone, we are facing some problems regarding locales and CMS-Contents. Is anyone running a
Hello everyone, we are facing some problems regarding locales and CMS-Contents. Is anyone running a setup with more than one store attached to one database - but without one store including all available locales? (we got one store having locales de_CH and fr_CH / another store with it_CH only). Problem then is: As the…
Hi Guys, after updating spryker packages to latest versions, I cannot generate transfer:databuilder
Hi Guys, after updating spryker packages to latest versions, I cannot generate transfer:databuilder successfully. It seems that something is wrong with Shipment type but cannot find the cause. Any suggestions?
Hi guys, does anyone knows is there a feature in spryker to have fulll text search on name-surname i
Hi guys, does anyone knows is there a feature in spryker to have fulll text search on name-surname in orders table on Zed
we updates some packages and now we get this error, any quick clues? ```docker git:(NONE-update-pack
we updates some packages and now we get this error, any quick clues? ``` docker git:(NONE-update-packages) ✗ vendor/bin/console transfer:databuilder:generate -vvv Store: ZEDADMIN | Environment: development ErrorException - Exception: Undefined index: type in…
Hi guys, after I continued to update the system, I encountered this error. Almost all packages are u
Hi guys, after I continued to update the system, I encountered this error. Almost all packages are updated to latest versions. Any suggestions?
it's weird, but we do not have anything apparently which can trigger this
it's weird, but we do not have anything apparently which can trigger this
As @UKKQKJ9FX asked this morning, we are trying to enable GLUE Api with Oauth token authorization,
As @UKKQKJ9FX asked this morning, we are trying to enable GLUE Api with Oauth token authorization, and when trying to hit the access-tokens route, we get this exception. What are we missing here as it seems that Zed is disallowing glue host?
Hi all,
I have issues with setting up xdebug (Phpstorm/ vagrant). I did the setup as written here:
Hi all, I have issues with setting up xdebug (Phpstorm/ vagrant). I did the setup as written here: https://documentation.spryker.com/installation/debugging/debugging-setup.htm Seems like I still have a configuration error 🙄 There is no incoming connection with ide key 'PHPSTORM' Anyone who can help?
Hi guys, what is the easiest way to track releases of spryker packages except to watch 100+ github r
Hi guys, what is the easiest way to track releases of spryker packages except to watch 100+ github repositories?
After updating some modules (data-import, store, transfer, collector), storage and search export ret
After updating some modules (data-import, store, transfer, collector), storage and search export return this error: Any suggestions?
Hi, if I request the Access Token for the glue API without a Auth type will it be throw a 500 Server
Hi, if I request the Access Token for the glue API without a Auth type will it be throw a 500 Server Error. Is that what it should to do? The error will be thrown in \Spryker\Glue\AuthRestApi\Processor\AccessTokens\OauthAccessTokenValidator::extractToken on line 99.
Hi guys. Did anyone had an issue enabling glue api oauth. When I enable oauth I can not hit zed via
Hi guys. Did anyone had an issue enabling glue api oauth. When I enable oauth I can not hit zed via stub, I get incorrect host Zed. It works without oauth because then it doesn't go to zed. Edit: I updated zed-request to latest package and now I get same but it looks nicer 😄…
Hi, I am currently manipulating the prices in our shop with a company-based margin. So far - so good
Hi, I am currently manipulating the prices in our shop with a company-based margin. So far - so good. But now I am stuck at one last point: the PriceProductMapper seems to has no link to the customer at all. I was wondering, if I could prepare accessing the current customer…
any ideas?
any ideas?
Hi, I am currently facing issues with import/ search:
After running the Import and P&S without a
Hi, I am currently facing issues with import/ search: After running the Import and P&S without any errors the search appears to lack of some entries. This probably causes the behaviour, that I have some products in Yves which are visible, but when I open the PDP it says "No route found". Digging deeper: the…
anything about these ones?
anything about these ones?
can anyone point me at a doc / explain why spryker decided to use "glue -> client -> gateway -
can anyone point me at a doc / explain why spryker decided to use "glue -> client -> gateway -> backend " and "yves -> client -> gateway -> backend " flow? At this point it looks for me like an unnecessary overhead/bottleneck with no clear advantage over simple json backend controller response.
what about this one? ```Symfony \ Component \ OptionsResolver \ Exception \ UndefinedOptionsExceptio
what about this one? ``` Symfony \ Component \ OptionsResolver \ Exception \ UndefinedOptionsException The option "choices_as_values" does not exist. Defined options are: "action", "allow_extra_fields", "allow_file_upload", "attr", "auto_initialize", "block_name", "by_reference", "choice_attr", "choice_label",…
hi, technical question, are there any plans to implement a cache mechanism in glue?
hi, technical question, are there any plans to implement a cache mechanism in glue?
another question, are you aware of this exception ```ErrorException - FATAL ERROR - Access level to
another question, are you aware of this exception ErrorException - FATAL ERROR - Access level to Spryker\Service\UtilDateTime\UtilDateTimeServiceFactory::getConfig() must be public (as in class Spryker\Service\Kernel\AbstractServiceFactory)
anybody an idea why AutoCompletion methods are not recognized by phpstan? This occurs from level
Hi, anybody an idea why AutoCompletion methods are not recognized by phpstan? This occurs from level 6 on.
is there any reason behind keeping `$config[RabbitMqEnv::RABBITMQ_CONNECTIONS]` in `config_default_D
is there any reason behind keeping $config[RabbitMqEnv::RABBITMQ_CONNECTIONS] in config_default_DE.php instead of config_default-<ENV>.php ?