hello all,
How do we define importers order ? so let’s say I have a data importer X the needs data
hello all, How do we define importers order ? so let’s say I have a data importer X the needs data from a tabel that will be populated by another importer Y. In this case importer Y has to be executed before importer X. How do we define this order? I tried to place the command in the needed order in…
are there any plans to support more recent versions of elasticsearch like v.7 ?
are there any plans to support more recent versions of elasticsearch like v.7 ?
Had anyone the problem orders (items) where stuck in OMS because `DE__check-oms-timeouts`(cronjob fo
Had anyone the problem orders (items) where stuck in OMS because DE__check-oms-timeouts(cronjob for console oms:check-timeout) is not fast enough? Is there something what we can do to speed it up?
anyone knows where did `WebProfilerConstants` class go? it wasn't really marked deprecated, but then
anyone knows where did WebProfilerConstants class go? it wasn't really marked deprecated, but then boom and it's gone
Hi, has anyone ever extended the discount rules? I want to access the company of a customer / compan
Hi, has anyone ever extended the discount rules? I want to access the company of a customer / company user. Unfortunately I can't solve it with customer-groups in this case.
Is Spryker caching all my carts in the session? And if I use company users they seem to be cached in
Is Spryker caching all my carts in the session? And if I use company users they seem to be cached inside of the session as well? So every time the session is unserialized Spryker starts to load all those items and users?
Good Morning, I am looking for a way to get back from the search not only an abstract product, but a
Good Morning, I am looking for a way to get back from the search not only an abstract product, but also the corresponding concrete product in which the search string was found. Thanks
second question is I'm getting issue with the queue:
PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPTimeoutException -
second question is I'm getting issue with the queue: manually connecting to the rabbit via : works fine, though. why can it be?
Good Morning,
is there a documentation regarding the ssl support towards the infrastructure componen
Good Morning, is there a documentation regarding the ssl support towards the infrastructure components? It seems that SSL-Support is not yet always implemented (or only in more recent module versions or I don't know how to configure) I'm looking for • Redis • RabbitMQ • Postgres • Elasticsearch • Jenkins How do I configure…
Hi all,
I posted this issue a while ago, but here we go again (sorry, don't want to annoy you all, j
Hi all, I posted this issue a while ago, but here we go again (sorry, don't want to annoy you all, just trying to figure out, where it could come from - today I got to this topic again and found out): All of my own css-classes and id's are loaded 66 times (didn't find anything which could explain this specific number) My…
Is there a CLI Command to add a user or reset a password?
Is there a CLI Command to add a user or reset a password?
I'm trying to add custom jenkins job, but it keeps running with `export APPLICATION_ENV=production`
I'm trying to add custom jenkins job, but it keeps running with export APPLICATION_ENV=production when my env has custom name. Is there any specific thing I need to add for my custom job to use my actual env name? all other jenkins jobs (core spryker jobs) use correct custom env name
Hey, just realised that this keyframe (see link below) (and it’s browser fallbacks) are loaded in on
Hey, just realised that this keyframe (see link below) (and it’s browser fallbacks) are loaded in once for each component in the built css (in our case 151 times equalling 3000 lines of CSS before it’s minified), can you move this to somewhere like src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/styles/basics/_animations.scss so it’s…
Hi guys, whats the purpose of yves session(what it is used for)?
To be more precised:
Hi guys, whats the purpose of yves session(what it is used for)? To be more precised: $config[SessionConstants::YVES_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER] = SessionConstants::SESSION_HANDLER_REDIS_LOCKING; $config[SessionConstants::YVES_SESSION_TIME_TO_LIVE] = SessionConstants::SESSION_LIFETIME_1_HOUR;…
Hello Community... Is there a possibility to render a Widget in a Controller Action and put the rend
Hello Community... Is there a possibility to render a Widget in a Controller Action and put the rendered template as part as json response? Thanks in advance for your support!
hello, which API or mechanisms should we use for system to system communication? E.g. for exporting
hello, which API or mechanisms should we use for system to system communication? E.g. for exporting or fetching/updating orders or customer data? We tried GlueAPI, but there it seems the permission is always limited to the customer's objects (user which is given via the token). Is GlueAPI the right API for such back-end…
Hi guys, with the release of Postgres 12 we expect hosters to ask, if we want to upgrade. Basic ques
Hi guys, with the release of Postgres 12 we expect hosters to ask, if we want to upgrade. Basic question though: is Spryker Postgres 12 compatible? If not, is this already planned? Thanks in advance!
When Glue API is used to get resources (/abstract-products/), there is an unexpected call to Zed to
When Glue API is used to get resources (/abstract-products/), there is an unexpected call to Zed to fetch the product tax information (TaxProductConnectorClient). When Zed is not available the API is crashing. The expected behaviour is to get the data from the KV storage. This is also affecting performance and it hits our…
Hi guys, whats the easiest way to map products to akeneo. I don't see that functionality in demoshop
Hi guys, whats the easiest way to map products to akeneo. I don't see that functionality in demoshop (does demoshop provides with example implementation). Edit: Any example for these files? $config[AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnectorConstants::LOCALE_MAP_FILE_PATH] = APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/import/maps/locale_map.json';…
anyone had this? ```Exception - Exception: Value mismatch for "SpySalesOrderEntity.fkSalesOrderAddre
anyone had this? Exception - Exception: Value mismatch for "SpySalesOrderEntity.fkSalesOrderAddressShipping" tranfer property. Value1: "true"; Value2: "false". To fix this, search for 'property name="fkSalesOrderAddressShipping"' in the code base and fix the wrong one. in…
Hello everyone.
I have a question. In spryker, there is a *product_concrete* and a *product_abstract
Hello everyone. I have a question. In spryker, there is a product_concrete and a product_abstract constellation. But why is the product_concrete table called spy_product and the product_concrete_storage table called spy_product_concrete_storage with a foreign key fk_product.. So either you should do it everywhere…
Hello, is there any limitation regarding changing or adding indices to tables/columns that are defin
Hello, is there any limitation regarding changing or adding indices to tables/columns that are defined inside vendor/spryker packages? I.e. i would like to index spy_sales_order.email column, but propel:diff does not recognize changes. I put this into spy_sales.schema.xml on project level: <table name="spy_sales_order"…
does anyone know how to install the vm today? Currently it gets stuck at `==> default: Configurin
does anyone know how to install the vm today? Currently it gets stuck at ==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
Anyone has this problem with database -> redis sync
> APPLICATION_STORE=DE vendor/bin/console
Anyone has this problem with database -> redis sync
someone has a clue why scheduler:suspend did not stop jenkins? I got the feedback Scheduler Name: je
someone has a clue why scheduler:suspend did not stop jenkins? I got the feedback Scheduler Name: jenkins Scheduler Status: OK but jenkins still runs
anyone knows why Spryker has different ZED databases set per-store when there's separation of stores
anyone knows why Spryker has different ZED databases set per-store when there's separation of stores already made within the database? asking about https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/config/Shared/config_default-development_DE.php#L12 being put within STORE config vs spy_store table
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@UK5DS29L2 because spryker supports also one db setup
@UK5DS29L2 because spryker supports also one db setup
Moved: Someone faced the problem with double generated unique ids at propel migration?
This discussion has been moved.
Hi guys is there a package for glue that has creating orders supported, I saw orders-rest-api has on
Hi guys is there a package for glue that has creating orders supported, I saw orders-rest-api has only get methods