Hi, i’ve a problem with “product-category-filter-storage. If i run the event:trigger command with “p
Hi, i’ve a problem with “product-category-filter-storage. If i run the event:trigger command with “product_category_filter” the events with the filter-id are triggered. But inside of the Listener “ProductCategoryFilterPublishStorageListener” there’s a check for the the foreignKeys to get the categoryIds. From my point of…
Hi, i am trying to understand the architecture of products in Spryker. As far as is understood you a
Hi, i am trying to understand the architecture of products in Spryker. As far as is understood you always need a concrete product and therefore an "Super Attribute". Now my question is: How do i determine which attribute of a product is suitable as "Super Attrribute" if this product does not exist in more than one variant.…
how are caregories imported today? I do not see them in `data:import` list, there's category-templat
how are caregories imported today? I do not see them in data:import list, there's category-template, but not category
to have more people here you need to invite them, right? Bizkovskis, Janis ||
to have more people here you need to invite them, right? Bizkovskis, Janis || mytheresa.com janis.bizkovskis@mytheresa.com
hi, any BC release notes for this package?
hi, any BC release notes for this package? https://github.com/spryker/product-page-search
I want to change the Zed UI and override a core template. But how can I now refer to the template th
I want to change the Zed UI and override a core template. But how can I now refer to the template that resides in /vendor? If I use {% extends @Customer/Presentation/View/index.twig' %} it will use my template. I will be as far as I tried resolved to my override module and not to the one in /vendor. I probably could use an…
Hi all, can someone tell me how I remove stores completely (including the vhosts and queues for rabb
Hi all, can someone tell me how I remove stores completely (including the vhosts and queues for rabbitmq)? My elasticsearch just crashed due to missing space (AT and US queues ran full of messages which were not proceeded. I do have a cronjob which purges queues daily). Not complete solution: would it be enough to just…
Where does codeception gets the idea the site is on ``?
I'm trying to run
Where does codeception gets the idea the site is on <https://localhost/>? I'm trying to run but I see it fails and the response I get is instead of the actual source for www.en.spryker-test.local that i have in config
Hi ,
is there any reasons why "UtilTextService" instantiates directly in "PropelSchemaMerg
Hi <!channel>, is there any reasons why "UtilTextService" instantiates directly in "PropelSchemaMerger"? I think a bridge that will be injected over constructor is better solution.
Anyone any idea how to "best practise" overwrite schema.xml files which are provided from spryker?
Anyone any idea how to "best practise" overwrite schema.xml files which are provided from spryker?
Has anyone been faced with occasionally not working updates on cms blocks? Every message passed by r
Has anyone been faced with occasionally not working updates on cms blocks? Every message passed by rabbitmq lands in event.error queue
If I'd like to create orders programatically, which would be the best class to start with?
If I'd like to create orders programatically, which would be the best class to start with?
is there a way to revert whatever was done by this command `vendor/bin/install`? To revert the repo
is there a way to revert whatever was done by this command vendor/bin/install? To revert the repo to its fresh state?
Hi all,
has anyone already did a redirect, whenever the user is not logged in? We want to "close" ou
Hi all, has anyone already did a redirect, whenever the user is not logged in? We want to "close" our shop completely (more than hiding prices etc.) so the user has to pass the /login first. Thanks in advance 🙂
When I run
`vendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products` I get:
1) ProductAbstractRes
When I run vendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products I get: but there's no such thing as codecept fixtures: I run codecept build earlier, but that didn't help. What else should I run to make this work? https://documentation.spryker.com/tutorials/introduction/t-testing-tdd-scos.htm doesn't help here.
Hello! Is there an open b2b Admin access for the Yves demo?
Hello! Is there an open b2b Admin access for the Yves demo?
Hello everyone! Our application is using Glue to gather some data from a Spryker shop and we need do
Hello everyone! Our application is using Glue to gather some data from a Spryker shop and we need do display links to those returned entities, but those links should lead to Yves, such that a user in our backend can visit the entities in the shop frontend. Glue seems to only return links to Glue itself, how can we build…
after latest composer update our deploy broke with:
after latest composer update our deploy broke with: but this is exactly what src/Pyz/Zed/Console/ConsoleDependencyProvider.php does when defining new DataImportConsole() what should we do? I see this is how it is made in…
Does anyone made an experience with rec-calculating product prices for the actual business unit of t
Does anyone made an experience with rec-calculating product prices for the actual business unit of the customer?
Hi all,
how to data:import product lists and the aggregate then products?
Hi all, how to data:import product lists and the aggregate then products?
Hi there,
The docu for the Product availabilty is not there, can someone update it? 🙏
Hi there, The docu for the Product availabilty is not there, can someone update it? 🙏 https://documentation.spryker.com/404.htm?page=/capabilities/mailing_and_notifications/product_is_available_again/product-is-available-again-201903.htm
Second question:
I run data:import (so imported glossary successfully)
but I still see
Second question: I run data:import (so imported glossary successfully) but I still see on homepage. How do I make it show the translations?
Hi all! I have a issue regarding git: I did merge with master into my current branch. I did the reve
Hi all! I have a issue regarding git: I did merge with master into my current branch. I did the revert and know when I'm trying to do the merge again, doesn't work. What it is the best solution?
Hi! I just installed the b2c demo shop using the docker sdk. When I click in spryk in zed I get an e
Hi! I just installed the b2c demo shop using the docker sdk. When I click in spryk in zed I get an exception. Does anyone else have the same problem?
is there a way to merge these?
is there a way to merge these?
we´ve updated our project. Currently we lost some customer session data, because the expanders a
Hi, we´ve updated our project. Currently we lost some customer session data, because the expanders aren´t running anymore in this Plugin: \Spryker\Glue\CustomersRestApi\Plugin\SetCustomerBeforeActionPlugin Also SessionCreator is never be called. is this a new behavior or a bug? Am I missing sth?
Did anyone else got `Exception: There are no commands defined in the "transfer:entity" namespace.` w
Did anyone else got Exception: There are no commands defined in the "transfer:entity" namespace. when running propel:install after composer update?
What is the best approach to do cache invalidation for Yves assets (JS/CSS) in your opinion? How did
What is the best approach to do cache invalidation for Yves assets (JS/CSS) in your opinion? How did you implement it?
anyone has seen this? ```Structure of database was modified in datasource "zed": 207 added tables
anyone has seen this? ``` Structure of database was modified in datasource "zed": 207 added tables Error - Exception: Call to a member function getName() on null in /data/shop/development/current/vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Generator/Platform/DefaultPlatform.php (449) Command: vendor/bin/console propel:diff Trace: 0…
Hi all,
I got an issue while setting up the VM. Any ideas? 🤔
```The following SSH com
Hi all, I got an issue while setting up the VM. Any ideas? 🤔 The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!mount -o vers=3,nolock,fsc,noatime,async\ klaus/syn-shop/project /data/shop/development/currentStdout from the…