How to change the backoffice logo?
Hello everyone, i am working on B2B demoshop and i want to change the backoffice login page logo and dashboard logo but i am unable to locate the file path!
Limit results for PaginatedCustomerOrderOverview
Hi all, I´m trying to add a limit (first 5 orders sorted by date) on the PaginatedCustomerOrderOverview within Pyz/Yves/CustomerPage/Controller/CustomerController.php. It seems that it ignores every type of limit, whether it is on the orderListTransfer or the orderQuery itself. Is there a way to apply the rowlimit with…
Expired voucher codes in Order calculator stack
The order calculator stack is run when doing e.g. returns In the DiscountCalculationPlugin, this method is run: \Spryker\Zed\Discount\Business\Calculator\Discount::retrieveActiveCartAndVoucherDiscounts Here it's only retrieving vouchers that are currently active. So, if the order was placed with a then-active voucher code…
Where to put generalized logic
Hi all, are there any best practices for generalized logic? Specifically, I am currently interested in creating custom exceptions that also accept context information in addition to the simple message andcode. In the next step, I would like to extend the error handling to log that context information to improve our error…
Do I need to keep DateTimeConfiguratorPageExample module or I can safely delete it?
Background of it is that it creates me an invalid url in Content-Security-Policy if variables for product configurator are not set. And I saw that removing of it helps. Can anyone clarify?
How to: Solve "curl error 55" and "returning bool from comparison function is deprecated"
Heyhey, in the last weeks there are more and more questions about an exception while doing composer commands. It is normally about the "curl error 55" exception, for example: curl error 55 while downloading https://repo.packagist.org/p2/spryker/cms-block-gui-extension~dev.json: Failed sending data to the peer If there is…
How to import(via csv) custom field(placeholder) in custom CMS Block?
i have created a custom CMS Block and inside it placeholder named "image". In cms_block.csv there is no such placeholder in csv header, but if i add it and properly enter data it is not stored in db after running import. Is is possible to import custom placeholder via csv? and tutorial or documentation on that tomic?
Need to experiment the concept of ACP
Hello guys, I attended the Spryker excite 2023 event and it was very interesting to watch the live demo of ACP in the developer stage. So I was trying to check it in my local just to get to know more about ACP and trying to connect some third party apps to Spryker. But I got to know from the documentation that I need to…
Uploading file to file manager seems to be broken
I tested out this feature locally on latest version + on the b2b demo page. When I upload a file to the folder I get redirected back to the file manager page with an empty error message
ZedError-Call to undefined method Generated\Shared\Transfer\StoreTransfer::setDefaultLocaleIsoCode()
Hello, Recently i updated spryker using composer update command. Now i am facing this error while opening the backoffice. Can anyone tell me how can i fix this??
How to customise WYSIWYG bar in placeholder content?
Is it possible to restrict some buttons/options in WYSIWYG editor? for example: Remove html button, or remove bold button.
How to create custom Content Widget?
I would like to have an additional content item like "Content Banner" in WYSIWYG dropdown. is it possible to create such custom items in Backoffice and Yves? How? The idea is to dynamically pass all data displayed on the frontend and make life easier for content editors.
How to properly handle news?
Is it possible to add a separate section (something like pages or products) to store/edit all news on one place? What would be the best approach to handle news? The requirement is to be able to add some categories to each news post.
Product search with availability status (active)
Team, does Spryker product search consider product availability status as part of search criteria or do we need to implement customized QueryExpanderPlugin to add the availability status?
Is it possible to use some other placeholder type than WYSIWYG?
When creating custom CMS block i have created custom placeholder called "image". It is created as WYSIWYG, but i would prefer it to be image relation. is that possible? Additional question: is it possible to create placeholders to be: checkbox select radio button text textarea file relation
How to hard delete product records in bulk
Hi Team, I accidentally imported lots of data with incorrect skus. So is there a way I can delete all products without running destructive pipeline. I checked in Product Facade, but it does not have hard delete api available.
How do I force regeneration of the spy_product_abstract_page_search table's contents?
Hi Team - I hope this is a simple question. I would need a clean way for regenerating the spy_product_abstract_page_search table's contents as a part of its data is not accurate (some of the categories were altered previously in a not-quite-clean way; that has been sorted out since, but some of the products are still shown…
Moved: About B2B Oryx boilerplate
This discussion has been moved.
How to configure merchant portal base url?
I am encountering a 404 error when attempting to access the merchant portal's base URL like https://mp.de.b2b-marketplace.demo-spryker.com/ Can you tell me how to redirect the page to security-merchant-portal-gui/login (when the merchant is not logged in) and dashboard-merchant-portal-gui/dashboard (if the merchant is…
Should Spryker dev team enable GraphQL implementation out-of-the-box?
With the most recent Glue API releases, Spryker Framework enabled project developers to build their own GraphQL implementation or integrate a 3rd party one. That means that you can bring GraphQL to your project in as fast as 15 min (confirmed!). However, we do not provide an OOTB (out-of-the-box) GraphQL implementation.…
How to handle the creation and manipulation of the oauth client feature
I was working with the new Oryx frontend. I connected this with my locally setup glue api and everything worked well except the login feature. when I was trying this with the glue endpoint (http://glue.de.spryker.local/token) , I was getting this error. { "error": "invalid_client", "error_description": "Client…
How stable is the Dynamic Multistore feature? Anyone using it in prod?
I know its an 'Early Access' release, but I'd like to know if anyone is using it, and if so, if you faced any pains implementing it. We'd use it in a project, but I'd like to know how far into the sla-less void are we getting into. Quoting 202307.0 release notes: Dynamic Multistore is currently running under an Early…
OMS graph view has changed to a somewhat broken state
Recently, within this past month, the OMS graph view has developed an issue where it displays broken texts and is missing some information it previously showed. A team member who is still using his original install of the b2b demoshop, is seeing functioning OMS graphs while viewing our state machines. I tend to do dev…
Logo in email template
Hi guys! is there any way to add SVG logo to email template and not have it blocked in outlook client?
Unable to find element
Trying to resolve this error on codecept. Any inputs appreciated.. Getting this issue on b2bdemoshop as well [Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElementException] no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"#side\2D menu"} (Session info: headless chrome=108.0.5359.125)
Spryker and StencilJS v2.22.3
Heyja Sprykees, does anyone have experience using StencilJS v2.22.3 in combination with Spryker? We currently have a major problem regarding a StencilJS styleguide that compiles fine, but isn't working as expected in WebKit browsers like Safari or any browser on iOS devices. First issue was that some of the content didn't…
Spryker Discount Promotion feature does not mark voucher as used
I've used this feature as explained here: Module Version: "4.9.2" Spryker: 202212.0
Making Slots Dynamic
Hi Everyone, has anyone had ever success in making slots dynamic? We are currently trying to make the main page customizable (e.g. adding/removing content, changing order, shifting content). This works well if we are using blocks, but then it makes the "Slots" feature in Zed for the main page useless. Another option we…
Spryk GUI
Hello everyone! I just installed Spryk and tried to use it from the back-office but getting exception on every action( see the below screenshot ). For example : Add Yves Page
Adding FuzzyQueryExpanderPlugin to Catalog Search Results
Hi here, I'm trying to make fuzzy our search on our app. I've succeeded to add it for suggestions, but not for result. For Suggestions, I've simply added this plugin to CatalogDependencyProvider:createSuggestionQueryExpanderPlugins() Logically, I've added it to…