does this mean that if I active logging, these fields will be filled in? or that it will write to th
does this mean that if I active logging, these fields will be filled in? or that it will write to the error log?
Hello Spryker community.
I faced an issue of broken ES index, after update it with command `search:s
Hello Spryker community. I faced an issue of broken ES index, after update it with command search:setup. Because I've done it on strage its acceptable to delete index and create it once more. But this is unacceptable for prod. So my questions are: 1. I tried create copy of index with command search:index:copy , but get an…
@UJJQTT1QQ Hi, sorry that i contact you this way, we (the segmueller-team) have problems regarding
@valerii.trots Hi, sorry that i contact you this way, we (the segmueller-team) have problems regarding the spryker-eco/computop module with spryker/discount, there should be a support ticket ticket number (0001384) i heard that maybe you are having more infos to this? Is there a way to get access to this ticket?
```vendor/bin/console router:cache:warm-up```
☝ is that new or old? (
vendor/bin/console router:cache:warm-up ☝ is that new or old? (https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/t-create-table-view)
Hi Guys, i have a small problem in TS. Something is not working as expected...
This is just a piece
Hi Guys, i have a small problem in TS. Something is not working as expected... This is just a piece of ts script where the problem is located async render(): Promise<void> { debug(this.stepEngineCode, '...fetchOnLoad'); const response = await this.ajaxProviderRender.fetch(); if (!response) { return; } if…
Is there a way to specify what runs on a "full" data import or is the list from `getImporter()`
Hi! Is there a way to specify what runs on a "full" data import or is the list from getImporter() simply used when running a full import?
I got a general question regarding `DependencyProviders` and `Factories` in Spryker: As far as I und
I got a general question regarding DependencyProviders and Factories in Spryker: As far as I understood, the idea is that the DependencyProvider is responsible for solving dependencies to external modules and injecting them into the Container - the idea behind the Factory is to 1) actually give access to those external…
Anybody here with knowledge on the AmazonPay module?
Anybody here with knowledge on the AmazonPay module?
Hi, I create my own module (working), add it to composer package, after i install it in different sp
Hi, I create my own module (working), add it to composer package, after i install it in different spryker project i got the error: Zed.CRITICAL: Spryker\Zed\Kernel\ClassResolver\Factory\FactoryNotFoundException - Spryker Kernel ExceptionCan not resolve pluginZedFactory in Zed layer for your module "plugin"You can fix this…
Hi all,
when I run codeception, I get this error
```In FactoryResolver.php line 38:
Spryker Kerne
Hi all, when I run codeception, I get this error In FactoryResolver.php line 38: Spryker Kernel Exception Can not resolve ModuleBusinessFactory in Business layer for your module "Module" You can fix this by adding the missing Factory to your module. E.g. Pyz\Zed\Module\Business\ModuleBusinessFactory The thing is that this…
```$ vendor/bin/console scheduler:resume
Code bucket: EN | Store: EN | Environment: demooutlet
$ vendor/bin/console scheduler:resumeCode bucket: EN | Store: EN | Environment: demooutletScheduler Name: jenkinsScheduler Status: ERRORClient error: `POST http://<URL>:8080/job/EN__check-product-validity/enable` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response:<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type"…
Another question, this time about testing: I'm currently running tests via GitLab CI and I have to p
Another question, this time about testing: I'm currently running tests via GitLab CI and I have to pretty much assemble an entire stage in there. It's possible but not terrific. Is there a better / smaller way to setup a testing environment with maybe just the application and a database?
Hi all,
I want to upgrade Kernel from 3.41.1 to 3.50.0
While looking for changes I found two intere
Hi all, I want to upgrade Kernel from 3.41.1 to 3.50.0 While looking for changes I found two interesting things : 1. New console command for cache building ResolvableClassCacheConsole 2. ENV variable SPRYKER_CODE_BUCKET The question is, does this mean that I have to register the new command and create the new ENV variable…
Is there any way to extend the default state machine? `DummyPayment01.xml` i mean. I need to add onl
Is there any way to extend the default state machine? DummyPayment01.xml i mean. I need to add only few commands to events. I don't need the new OMS
Hello guys. Again a problem. Now I can't add product to the cart. I updated module `spryker-shop/car
Hello guys. Again a problem. Now I can't add product to the cart. I updated module spryker-shop/cart-page (3.16.0 => 3.18.2) and I see that you've changed the \SprykerShop\Yves\CartPage\Controller\CartController::addAction functionality. You've added this lines $form =…
how to pass arguments from subscriber to listener, my code
hello, how to pass arguments from subscriber to listener, my code Subscriber:$eventCollection->addListenerQueued(ProductEvents::PRODUCT_ABSTRACT_AFTER_CREATE, new KacperListener('my argument'));Listener:public function __construct($URL_TO_API) { $this->URL_TO_API = $URL_TO_API;} give me an error: Too few arguments to…
Hi there,
according to the spryker/router migration guide at
Hi there, according to the spryker/router migration guide at https://documentation.spryker.com/v4/docs/migration-guide-router we should add a Spryker\Zed\Router\Communication\Plugin\EventDispatcher\RequestAttributesEventDispatcherPlugin to our EventDispatcherDependencyProvider. This Plugin does not exist and it looks like…
hello. I need to install module from private repository. And I need to add public ssh key to the CLI
hello. I need to install module from private repository. And I need to add public ssh key to the CLI docker container. How can I do it? How can add this key when entering CLI container using docker/sdk cli ? thanks.
Hi guys, i found a bug in the module spryker/checkout (>=4.0.0). Usually the method placeOrder re
Hi guys, i found a bug in the module spryker/checkout (>=4.0.0). Usually the method placeOrder returns an object with an invalid value for “is_success”. This will happen when a plugin in the middle of the pre condition stack failed. Here my PR: https://github.com/spryker/spryker/pull/7238
Hey.. is there a plan to make shipments-rest-api compatible with the ne shipments group? It seems th
Hey.. is there a plan to make shipments-rest-api compatible with the ne shipments group? It seems that my shipment is always set to null because the ShipmentGroupTransfer is empty. We use a price plugin so every time findShipmentGroupShippingPrice in MethodPriceReader is called the call will fail due to the missing…
Hi guys,
does anybody know if this is the latest documentation for integration of payone into spryke
Hi guys, does anybody know if this is the latest documentation for integration of payone into spryker? https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/payone-v1-1 it seems a little bit outdated (Pages have been renamed from Checkout to CheckoutPage meanwhile etc) and our developers are facing some issues while integration this into…
👋 bundles - should the _stock_ be updated for bundles? or do we use only `spy_availbailtiy` for
👋 bundles - should the stock be updated for bundles? or do we use only spy_availbailtiy for this?
Hello. I have a problem with order item super attributes. It is always empty in `spy_sales_order_ite
Hello. I have a problem with order item super attributes. It is always empty in spy_sales_order_item_metadata table. But product has it. I placed order with default products. Nothing was changed. Is it a bug or how can I get super attributes from order item?
hi guys,
i modify Pyz/CategoryStorage, and i want install it in another spryker project, i want add
hi guys, i modify Pyz/CategoryStorage, and i want install it in another spryker project, i want add this it to composer package, but how use it after install in other project, ?
if you have a state machine with both `time out` and `manually executable`, will it still progress a
if you have a state machine with both time out and manually executable, will it still progress automatically? (and both timeout and manual are dependent on any condition I guess)
Hi guys
Most of the time messages remain for long time in event queue …
even if I ran multi process
Hi guys Most of the time messages remain for long time in event queue … even if I ran multi processes of queue tasks vendor/bin/console queue:task:start event it still takes so long! Sometimes running more processes makes the situation even worse ! What am I missing on the application level configuration? Side note: The…
where should the timezone be set for a Spryker application? in php setting or is there any other con
where should the timezone be set for a Spryker application? in php setting or is there any other configuration in spryker? I found ApplicationConstants::PROJECT_TIMEZONE, but that is not being used anywhere. There is also a timezone config in store specific configurations, but that would not affect places where we are…
Hi all, I have another question about splitting items when an order is created, Just to make it more
Hi all, I have another question about splitting items when an order is created, Just to make it more interesting this time it is about bundle products. 🙂 In our shop the products 'inside' a bundle product could be normal products that are buyable in the shop or products that only exist in that bundle (or other bundles) and…
Hi guys 👋 after updating some of the modules to newer version we are getting the `Uncaught Erro
Hi guys 👋 after updating some of the modules to newer version we are getting the Uncaught ErrorException: Use of undefined constant APPLICATION_CODE_BUCKET Did anyone have this issue? Is there some info what has to be done to avoid it?