Hi Everyone , I want to know if there is any explanation or document where i can k
Hi Everyone , I want to know if there is any explanation or document where i can know about every single folder of spryker folder structure.
Hello everyone, I can"t get anything on the Glue layer to work. Even just as a test, I want to displ
Hello everyone, I can"t get anything on the Glue layer to work. Even just as a test, I want to display something very simple on my browser. The test code I have is class ModuleResourceController extends AbstractController{ public function getAction( string $id, RestRequestInterface $glueRequestTransfer ):…
Any help with this. Not supported on Apple M1 Pro - B2C-Demo-Marketplace
Any help with this. Not supported on Apple M1 Pro - B2C-Demo-Marketplace
Hello all, can you please tell me how can I know the details about the supported PHP version for the
Hello all, can you please tell me how can I know the details about the supported PHP version for the each version of Spryker Demo shops? I would like to look for the B2C shop that supports PHP< 8
Moved: I'm facing this error while accessing URL or endpoints docker/sdk
This discussion has been moved.
I am having trouble with dependency injection through the 'injector/' directory in the modu
}Hello, I am having trouble with dependency injection through the 'injector/' directory in the module. I saw in the documentation that you can inject dependency this way but it is not working for me. Can someone please guide me if this way works for you? I am trying to inject a dependency in CheckoutPageDepedencyProvider…
Hello everyone , I am trying to add a new module in yves as hands-on practice and
Hello everyone , I am trying to add a new module in yves as hands-on practice and as it says here in the document to register RouteProviderPlugin so the application knows about your controller action. So, how to register this is there any command which i have to run because when i followed next step the 5th step it is…
On a related question. Can you authenticate a Backoffice User (not a Customer) on the Glue Api?
On a related question. Can you authenticate a Backoffice User (not a Customer) on the Glue Api?
"data": {
"type": "access-tokens",
"attributes": {
"username": "
{ "data": { "type": "access-tokens", "attributes": { "username": "<mailto:admin@spryker.com|admin@spryker.com>", "password": "change123" } }}
Hello all,
I am trying to add a new payment provider to Spryker. I have created a module with these
Hello all, I am trying to add a new payment provider to Spryker. I have created a module with these files but I still can not see the payment provider on the Yves frontend. Can someone please tell me if there is any additional configuration or a wire-up that I need to do to make this work?
Hey guys,
I would like to create a PDF, for example with a package like
Hey guys, I would like to create a PDF, for example with a package like https://github.com/KnpLabs/KnpSnappyBundle. But here I need to download a binary and link to it. How do I do that in PaaS? Normally I would have put that in a Dockerfile...
Hello guys, is anyone here using the Spryk GUI? When I try to click anything on the Spryk GUI page i
Hello guys, is anyone here using the Spryk GUI? When I try to click anything on the Spryk GUI page in the back channel, I get Symfony \ Component \ Form \ Exception \ UnexpectedTypeExceptionExpected argument of type "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request", "null" given
Hi Im trying to setup email but the tutorial page on it in the docs is dead
Hi Im trying to setup email but the tutorial page on it in the docs is dead https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/introduction-tutorials/tutorial-sending-an-email.html
After run docker/sdk up error occurred please help me.
After run docker/sdk up error occurred please help me.
Hello . iam trying to follow the docs (
Hello . iam trying to follow the docs (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/marketplace/dev/howtos/how-to-create-a-new-module-with-application.html#register-a-new-module) and create a new component as below. but after running npm run mp:build. i see a message unknown html tag web-mp-hello-world. any suggestions what iam doing…
Hi Team,
I wanted some clarification on the Glue API. I've been seeing some conversations on Slack t
Hi Team, I wanted some clarification on the Glue API. I've been seeing some conversations on Slack that are saying that the old Glue API's structure is becoming deprecated and that a new one is in the works. This was in November that I've been seeing these threads. I just want to make sure. Is the new Glue API released?…
Hello Team, I was trying to use Spryks, but when running some of them like AddGlueBasicStructure, an
Hello Team, I was trying to use Spryks, but when running some of them like AddGlueBasicStructure, an error like this would pop up. Error - Exception: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector' not found in /data/vendor/spryker-sdk/spryk/src/SprykerSdk/Spryk/Model/Spryk/Filter/SingularizeFilter.php (31) Command:…
Hello everyone I'm facing this error while accessing sudo -s, if somebody knows ho
Hello everyone I'm facing this error while accessing sudo -s, if somebody knows how to fix it please let me know
Hi everyone I'm facing this error while creating user in the spryker back-office,
Hi everyone I'm facing this error while creating user in the spryker back-office, if somebody knows how to fix it please let me know.
Hi guys, wondering if this looks familiar to anyone as part of ‘Docker/sdk up’ to get the following
Hi guys, wondering if this looks familiar to anyone as part of ‘Docker/sdk up’ to get the following error [info] npm[info][info] ERR![info] bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents
Hi guys,
do you have an example how to get configuration values from “config/shared” folder files?
Hi guys, do you have an example how to get configuration values from “config/shared” folder files? Especially when try to get credentials for testing. Thx
Hi Team
As the spryker document says:
The following commands are deprecated and
Hi Team As the spryker document says: The following commands are deprecated and work correctly only with the previous versions (using Yarn): frontend:yves:install-dependencies, frontend:zed:install-dependencies, frontend:mp:install-dependencies. Therefore, in all *.yml files at the project level, do the following: Remove…
Hi Team,
I'm trying to enable users to log in with a mobile number on YVES, for t
Hi Team, I'm trying to enable users to log in with a mobile number on YVES, for that I have already updated the registration form and now the mobile number is getting stored in the DB. Thanks, @UNGMX0012 for helping me out. Now to override the login module I have extended the tryAuthorizeCustomerByEmailAndPassword From…
Hi, I'm working on newest version of B2B demo shop on PHP 8. I can't start xDebug on it. When I swit
Hi, I'm working on newest version of B2B demo shop on PHP 8. I can't start xDebug on it. When I switch on shop version on PHP 7,4 it works correctly. Is there any dependency?
Hi everyone Happy New Year.
I am facing this issue while running command docker/s
Hi everyone Happy New Year. I am facing this issue while running command docker/sdk up.
Hello everyone,
I am writing to report a problem that I encountered while attempting to reproduce t
Hello everyone, I am writing to report a problem that I encountered while attempting to reproduce the first lesson in the "Backend Development Basics" course that I took. The lesson involves creating a "Hello World" page in the back-office. I was able to successfully reproduce the lesson locally, but when I tried to put it…
getting "Error - Exception: Interface 'Silex\ControllerProviderInterface' not found in /data/vendor/
getting "Error - Exception: Interface 'Silex\ControllerProviderInterface' not found in /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Yves/Application/Plugin/Provider/ControllerProviderInterface.php (15)" while generating the new module "HelloWorld" via the "console code:generate:module:yves HelloWorld" command.
Hey Guys, is there a way in spryker to “mock” or disable authentication in b2b for testing? Thx
Hey Guys, is there a way in spryker to “mock” or disable authentication in b2b for testing? Thx
So I'm having an issue where my installation is not regenerating the transfer objects. when I run `
So I'm having an issue where my installation is not regenerating the transfer objects. when I run docker/sdk cli console transfer:generate it ends up throwing an exception saying: Error - Exception: Class 'Generated\Shared\Transfer\MonitoringTransactionEventTransfer' not found in…
Hello all, I have implemented a custom importer with the following DataSetWriter. The product is imp
Hello all, I have implemented a custom importer with the following DataSetWriter. The product is imported successfully but it doesn't seem to get published (or added to Redis) for Yves frontend. Can someone please see the following code and advise me if I am doing it right. class AepImportConcreteProductWriter implements…