Hello. I tried to generate the OpenApi schema for glue which has an array inside for the cart patch
Hello. I tried to generate the OpenApi schema for glue which has an array inside for the cart patch request. The output of the generation is the following (snippet) ...RestCartsRequestAttributes: properties: priceMode: type: string currency: type: string store: type: string discounts: items: $ref:…
Hello, does anybody know if it’s generally possible to set the date format for twig templates to fit
Hello, does anybody know if it’s generally possible to set the date format for twig templates to fit the current “viewers” locale? So when i look into the stores.php, there is a setting for date formats for each stores and also different contexts (yves,zed etc) but no defaults for different locales … so when i log in as…
Hi there,
we have an issue with the YVES communicating with the ZED while try to add a product to a
Hi there, we have an issue with the YVES communicating with the ZED while try to add a product to a cart: YVES ExceptionSpryker\Yves\Kernel\Exception\ForbiddenExternalRedirectException - This URL <https://yves.de.spryker-customer.domain/de/112a-AL> is not a part of a whitelisted domainin…
I would like to change the css in `vendor/spryker/product-management/assets/Zed/sass/main.sc
👋 I would like to change the css in vendor/spryker/product-management/assets/Zed/sass/main.scss I have duplicated the file over to src/CustomNamespace/Zed/ProductManagement/assets/Zed/sass/main.scss Is this correct?
Is there a solution to implement a searchable datepicker in a zed ui table, so that you can search i
Is there a solution to implement a searchable datepicker in a zed ui table, so that you can search in a date range?
In middleware: If I want to map to a field called `p.id_product`:
```return [
'id' => 'p.id_p
In middleware: If I want to map to a field called p.id_product: return [ 'id' => 'p.id_product',]; For example, how to stop middleware interpreting the .? (i.e. how to escape it?)
For CMS blocks, should there be a translation in `spy_glossary_translation` for all placeholders and
For CMS blocks, should there be a translation in spy_glossary_translation for all placeholders and all available locales? We have recently added some locales and I am debugging an error in pub sync. It looks like the fix is add these missing rows into the db, but that seems like something that will go wrong again when we…
Hello, I’m interested if anyone knows about an existing ContentServ Integration/Connection for Spryk
Hello, I’m interested if anyone knows about an existing ContentServ Integration/Connection for Spryker. I already looked into the Eco-Sections in Github and the Spryker-Documentation but did not find anything. Only this showcase here but no further information: https://now.spryker.com/de/cases/jumbo
Hi community, first time poster here.
Is there an easy way of knowing wether the logged in customer
Hi community, first time poster here. Is there an easy way of knowing wether the logged in customer is being impersonated by an agent or not? AgentClient->isLoggedIn will return false based on my tests. Thanks :)
*Is there a relation between the sales orders and the products?*
I would like to list all products
Is there a relation between the sales orders and the products? I would like to list all products with how often they have been bought in a zed table. Is there anything i can already use for the ui table?
Hi! Does Spryker has method to obligatory logout user after some period of time due to security reas
Hi! Does Spryker has method to obligatory logout user after some period of time due to security reason? Scenario is like active user is logout every month and needs to log in again.
When generating a CSV with middleware - is there a (OOTB) way to automatically determine the headers
When generating a CSV with middleware - is there a (OOTB) way to automatically determine the headers from the payload / mappers ? seems we have to create our own OutputStreamPlugin and manually add the headers there (which isn't very convenient as they are dynamic)
Maybe I missed something, but how does one implement a map in middleware?
Maybe I missed something, but how does one implement a map in middleware? https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/spryker-middleware
Are there any twig methods to generate a URL for a CMS page?
Are there any twig methods to generate a URL for a CMS page?
Hello, I have a question about stock, availability and product reservation. Is it correct that the s
Hello, I have a question about stock, availability and product reservation. Is it correct that the stock will never be decreased after purchase? I have the problem that when I enter the checkout with one product, the availability will be decreased and the reservation rised on reserved states. On leaving the reserved states…
I’m trying to implement a semantic search for the Spryker demo shop. I found this
Hello, I’m trying to implement a semantic search for the Spryker demo shop. I found this https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/full-text-search article, but I’m not quite sure where or how to use the given information. Has anyone implemented something similar and can give me some advice how to get started?
Hey.. I face an issue where the `categories` variable in twig is empty. It seems that the root categ
Hey.. I face an issue where the categories variable in twig is empty. It seems that the root category isn’t stored with the key format category_node:$store:$locale in redis, instead it is stored as category_node:$store:$locale:$id . So when getCategories is called in CategoryTreeStorageReader.php it will return an empty…
Hi, I am trying to receive the assigned Categories for a ProductList.
Hi, I am trying to receive the assigned Categories for a ProductList. $productListTransfer->getProductListCategoryRelation()->getCategoryIds() This returns an empty ArrayObject. ProductList was created in Zed and works as intended in Yves 🤔
Hi, I have some short question I hope. In the old ShopApplicationServiceProvider was the function a
Hi, I have some short question I hope. In the old ShopApplicationServiceProvider was the function addGlobalTemplateVariables. So now I have to write a twig plugin for the global template vars or is there something I am missing / overlooking?
Hi 👋 where is the best place to calculate the total shipping costs in the cart? Should I extend
Hi 👋 where is the best place to calculate the total shipping costs in the cart? Should I extend the plugin stack in /src/Spryker/Zed/Calculation/Communication/Plugin/Calculator or rather /src/Spryker/Zed/Shipment/Communication/Plugin/Calculation Both modules come with CalculatorInterface:recalculate() ¯_(ツ)_/¯
👋 where is the best place to put some logic which should get executed after successful checkout
👋 where is the best place to put some logic which should get executed after successful checkout (after order has been saved) ?
Hello Guys, I got this error while building Spryker, any help will be appreciated:
Hello Guys, I got this error while building Spryker, any help will be appreciated:
Good morning,
I just ran a composer update on a clean b2c demoshop. The newly released spryker/acl
Good morning, I just ran a composer update on a clean b2c demoshop. The newly released spryker/acl 3.4.0 seems to introduce some issues. vendor/bin/install fails on generate-transfer-databuilders due to missing type in acl.databuilder.xml. after reverting composer.lock everything runs fine again
is there some special routing rules added somewhere in Zed in latest `suite` ? I have a controller
is there some special routing rules added somewhere in Zed in latest suite ? I have a controller at \Spryker\Zed\VsBridge\Communication\Controller\AuthController::adminAction which worked before the update but now fails with Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: No route found for "POST…
We import CMS Pages by creating a `CmsPageTransfer` object, adding data and in the end calling
We import CMS Pages by creating a CmsPageTransfer object, adding data and in the end calling $this->getCmsGuiFacade()->activatePage($idCmsPage);$this->getCmsGuiFacade()->publishWithVersion($idCmsPage); Spryker gives no errors and all seems fine. Still the contents are not published to Yves. It seems the Publish Events are…
Is there a config way in spryker to make the queues lazy (persist them on disk)?
Is there a config way in spryker to make the queues lazy (persist them on disk)?
how to override search engine in spryker ( results from othes api ) ?
how to override search engine in spryker ( results from othes api ) ?
Hi, for what purpose is the yves_system user and should this user have a default locale?
Hi, for what purpose is the yves_system user and should this user have a default locale?
Is it possible to define sub resources in GLUE? Like /health-check/index/session ? Naming the resour
Is it possible to define sub resources in GLUE? Like /health-check/index/session ? Naming the resourceType like the route does not ssem to work