👋 Guys do you know where is code responsible for `logoutAction` for Customer? Nothing in place
👋 Guys do you know where is code responsible for logoutAction for Customer? Nothing in place where CustomerPageRouteProviderPlugin say for this route (I cannot see logoutAction in AuthController )
We're currently writing a composer dependency to be used in multiple spryker shops. Is there a
Hi! We're currently writing a composer dependency to be used in multiple spryker shops. Is there a way we can use Spryks inside this decoupled dependency to make our lives a little easer? Thanks 🙂
I’m having an issues retrieving data from glue in the newest version. All other requests im usi
Hey, I’m having an issues retrieving data from glue in the newest version. All other requests im using are working fine. But when I try to get the checkout-data, I get the following error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '<http://glue.de.spryker.local/checkout-data>' from origin '<http://localhost:8080>' has been blocked by…
Hi, is there something available for version 5.0?
Hi, is there something available for version 5.0? https://documentation.spryker.com/v2/docs/mg-payment
the docker sync container uses 100% CPU on my machine without any files changing at all. has someone
the docker sync container uses 100% CPU on my machine without any files changing at all. has someone else experienced this behaviour before?
👋 Is there documentation for the non-OMS state machine?
👋 Is there documentation for the non-OMS state machine?
I have a question about potential limit of the spryker transfer objects.
Let's say we sometimes have
I have a question about potential limit of the spryker transfer objects. Let's say we sometimes have products with sizeOptions and sometimes with colorOptions (and sometimes with other options) depending on what is a super attribute in the product. How to approach defining this in the transfer object if it pretty much…
I'm trying to setup a new spryker instance on my local machine (using docker). When I'm trying t
Hi, I'm trying to setup a new spryker instance on my local machine (using docker). When I'm trying to create the transfer object entities, I'm getting the following error: Command generate-transfers [vendor/bin/console transfer:generate] (In progress...)Store: xxxx | Environment: dockerException - Exception: Value mismatch…
I have a question about B2B Punchout integration (
Hi, I have a question about B2B Punchout integration (https://www.punchoutcatalogs.com/spryker-b2b-punchout/). When I use the punchout cloud simulator, it only works the second time. The first time I access my webshop via the simulator, I am logged in but in regular mode and therefore don’t see the punchout UI elements.…
has anyone had the behaviour, that items in an orderEntity have a wrong price when the quantity
Hi, has anyone had the behaviour, that items in an orderEntity have a wrong price when the quantity is >= 10? It seems like the quantity is involved while calculating the NetPrice 🤔. Didn't find the spot yet. Example: I have an item which costs 194.90€. Quantity 11: $orderItem[1]->getNetPrice(); // returns 214390 ->…
i have a question for a general workflow in spryker. We want to create a user login workflow
Hello, i have a question for a general workflow in spryker. We want to create a user login workflow where some identity server is involved. So for the login of a customer (via /login endpoint in glue for example) there is an external id server which gets called from spryker and give back an user object and a token. But…
Do you know if in yves JavaScript is url to Glue available by default somewhere?
Hello, Do you know if in yves JavaScript is url to Glue available by default somewhere?
Hi, it seems in actual vesion is a bug in `vendor/spryker/log/src/Spryker/Zed/Log/Communication/Plug
Hi, it seems in actual vesion is a bug in vendor/spryker/log/src/Spryker/Zed/Log/Communication/Plugin/Handler/AbstractHandlerPlugin.php public function pushProcessor($callback): HandlerInterface is incompatible with Interface vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ProcessableHandlerInterface.php public function…
Hello again. I couldn’t find anything in the docs … In spryker it is possible to add different logi
Hello again. I couldn’t find anything in the docs … In spryker it is possible to add different logic for different stores by adding a suffix to the modulename. The module resolver will pull that piece of logic first. But are there also possibilites to “group” logic somehow? For example if you have an EU region with AT, DE,…
Can anybody help me with conditions in the statemachine?
My Condition test does not work and I have
Can anybody help me with conditions in the statemachine? My Condition test does not work and I have no clue why? I'm runing the spryker b2c demo shop on docker. My statemachine code for the condition looks like: <transition condition="Oms/CheckInvoiceAmount" happy="true"> <source>release</source> <target>payment…
Hi, I am trying to access a function in the MerchantRelationshipProductListRepository, but I get an
Hi, I am trying to access a function in the MerchantRelationshipProductListRepository, but I get an error upon calling. No connection defined for database "zed". Did you forget to define a connection or is it wrong written? I didn't change this class at all, so I'm a bit surprised that there's no stream already 🤔 (Full…
describes there's crossell fu
https://spryker.com/product/capability-detail-cross-sell-and-upsell/ describes there's crossell functionality, but I don't see this available in relation types at https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/product-relations-reference-information where can I see how to set up crosssells ?
Hi, for the latest spryker version... Should we use the searchClient or the searchElasticSearchClien
Hi, for the latest spryker version... Should we use the searchClient or the searchElasticSearchClient?
Hello, is there an existing machanism to store a module’s state/config? For example to store a times
Hello, is there an existing machanism to store a module’s state/config? For example to store a timestamp when a process run the last time, or which was the last offset it used to call an external api? So basically a simple (persisted) key-value store for zed?
Morning. does `$this->zedStub->call()` allways needs to return some TO when calling ZED from YVES v
Morning. does $this->zedStub->call() allways needs to return some TO when calling ZED from YVES via ZedRequestCLient? I tried without and got this error showing below. All examples I could find in vendor/spryker are returning a TO, so I assume I need to do this as well.
Hello all,
Does anyone know where does Spryker do the translation in the code? Let’s say I want to
Hello all, Does anyone know where does Spryker do the translation in the code? Let’s say I want to intercept every translation operation that happens accross the application! How can I do that? where is the central place that does this?! Thank you
Hi, I have a question about the AmazonPay module described here:
Hi, I have a question about the AmazonPay module described here: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/amazon-pay I see on this page there is a form For further information on this partner and integration into Spryker, please contact us. Is there any obligation to use this form before installing the module from the…
There currently is no documentation on how to write a CMS Slot Widget right?
There currently is no documentation on how to write a CMS Slot Widget right? https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/templates-slots-feature-overview#slot-widget So the only chance I have to test this feature is to write a…
Hey, did anybody ever set
```run_on_non_production => false```
in jobs.php?
It seems to make the
Hey, did anybody ever set run_on_non_production => false in jobs.php? It seems to make the job not run on production, but on any different environment. Cronjobs::getSchedule() will determine any environment different from production as production. Do I get something wrong here?
I am writing a small CLI command that diffs files that exists in your project space and vendor. For
I am writing a small CLI command that diffs files that exists in your project space and vendor. For example if core updated you can diff and see if your version is still up to date. I am doing this on filepath base. I believe Spryker keeps track of any file I override from core. Maybe that is better to be used? Is that…
I have technical question,how to override search engine in YVES and change url in view ?
I ov
hello, I have technical question,how to override search engine in YVES and change url in view ? I override this file and search results go from my module but that is a correct way ? project/src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/components/molecules/search-form/search-form.twig {% define data = { searchUrl:…
Today I started to work on a B2B project and I think I've got two simple questions:
1.) How do
Hi! Today I started to work on a B2B project and I think I've got two simple questions: 1.) How do I actually send a Newsletter? Yes, I can subscribe to one but how do I send a Newsletter out to my users? The documentation doesn't really mention this. 2.) Is there more to Spryker CRM that I'm not seeing than Users &…
Hey folks, just a quick question: Is it possible to completely remove yves from the Spryker project?
Hey folks, just a quick question: Is it possible to completely remove yves from the Spryker project? We just use the Glue with a SPA touchpoint and therefore yves is not really necessary for us, but I'm afraid that I run into issues when I "just" remove yves from the project. Has anybody done sth. like that before and…
With spryker/cms `7.7.1` I finally can delete CMS Pages which runs fine. Still I don't see any possi
With spryker/cms 7.7.1 I finally can delete CMS Pages which runs fine. Still I don't see any possibility to do the same with CMS Blocks?
Hi guys,
a question: why RFQ Feature is based on company_user and not company (ER)? For a B2B the "c
Hi guys, a question: why RFQ Feature is based on company_user and not company (ER)? For a B2B the "customer" is the company and not a single person in a company and an offer should be seen from any company_user in the company (maybe with rights managed etc..).... We have to integrate the offers from SAP into Spryker and we…