https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/p-s-and-multi-store-shop-systems#queue-configuration mentions: Each virtual host belongs to one Store\Environment (e.g. DE_development_zed, AT_staging_zed, US_production_zed). does that mean, if we have multiple per-language domains, we have to setup multiple stores with multiple…
Hi, does Spryker provide any cache busting mechanism OOTB to avoid browser cache refreshes when js/c
Hi, does Spryker provide any cache busting mechanism OOTB to avoid browser cache refreshes when js/css assets are updated?
Hi! Is there a way to include yves molecules/organisms/atoms from Yves also in Zed. I want to use so
Hi! Is there a way to include yves molecules/organisms/atoms from Yves also in Zed. I want to use some of organism from Yves/ShopUi also in Mail templates which are taken (template to mail plugins) only from Zed I suppose. How to use Twigs from Yves also in Zed?
Good morning. Subject: Spryker forms. In the docs Spryker uses Yves namespace:
Good morning. Subject: Spryker forms. In the docs Spryker uses Yves namespace:
Another question, how much efforts do you think is required to have a “multi-select” type of attribu
Another question, how much efforts do you think is required to have a “multi-select” type of attribute in Spryker? well the attributes are stored in JSON, so anything is possible from schema perspective I think, but would need to add this support in zed UI too
I’m currently checking how to set Samesite cookie parameter to Spryker cookies. I found that S
Hello I’m currently checking how to set Samesite cookie parameter to Spryker cookies. I found that Symfony 3.2 supports it using a parameter (cookie_samesite) to Session class. I have tried to set this using Spryker\Yves\Session\SessionConfig::getSessionStorageOptions() , and it passed the option correctly, but in response…
is there a way to render a translation from within an Yves module?
is there a way to render a translation from within an Yves module?
Good evening. Again an issue about "*Bootcamp challenge doesn't work upon the code presented*" (
Good evening. Again an issue about "Bootcamp challenge doesn't work upon the code presented" (https://training.spryker.com/courses/take/developer-bootcamp/texts/4743693-content-search-attribute-cart-based-catalog-personalization-challenge)🙂 I have encountered strange behavior of the category search filters (to be concrete…
hello i have question
i install new spryker project from documentation, after instalation in the bro
hello i have question i install new spryker project from documentation, after instalation in the browser i got: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException - Untrusted Host "[www.de.b2c-demo-shop.local](http://www.de.b2c-demo-shop.local)". link to docs:…
hello all,
How does `can` twig function work? for example the permission `SeeOrderPlaceSubmitPermis
hello all, How does can twig function work? for example the permission SeeOrderPlaceSubmitPermissionPluginwhere can I assign it to the user in Zed? Thanks alot
Hello, we have some unexpected behaviour we cannot follow for now. For some reason we sometimes have
Hello, we have some unexpected behaviour we cannot follow for now. For some reason we sometimes have sessions with customer data but without UsernamePasswordToken (and therefore no ROLE_USER). The customers are stuck and are always redirected to the login redirect. Has anyone seen this before or any idea how this may come?
how to transfer a spryker (vagrant) project ?
Copy paste folder with app, but how to set virtual box
how to transfer a spryker (vagrant) project ? Copy paste folder with app, but how to set virtual box in other machine ?
Hello, we build our own frontend and use the category nodes via the GLUE API. To avoid many requests
Hello, we build our own frontend and use the category nodes via the GLUE API. To avoid many requests, our frontend developers use the root category IDs for the query. All child categories are delivered. If a value (for example the name) of one of the child categories is changed in the ZED, the output in the category nodes…
Hi all, I have a question regarding redirecting and access to routes:
When we do a redirect we use t
Hi all, I have a question regarding redirecting and access to routes: When we do a redirect we use the controller provider's constants, e.g. CustomerPageControllerProvider::ROUTE_CUSTOMER_PROFILE However CustomerPageControllerProvider is deprecated and in its suggested replacement CustomerPageRouteProviderPlugin the…
What can I do, if changes that I made in the frontend don't take effect ?
I changed src\Pyz\Yves\Sh
What can I do, if changes that I made in the frontend don't take effect ? I changed src\Pyz\Yves\ShopUi\Theme\default\components\organisms\header\header.twig and did: npm run yves console cache:empty-all ?
Hi, I would like to create a custom theme for Spryker. Therefor I had a look at
Hi, I would like to create a custom theme for Spryker. Therefor I had a look at https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/frontend-builder-for-yves. Now I just want to make sure that I understand it correctly. What is the prefered directory structure that you recommend ? Can I just copy the…
Hi everyone!
Does anyone know if something like a "search history" module is available in spryker(-e
Hi everyone! Does anyone know if something like a "search history" module is available in spryker(-eco)? By default it doesn't seem like Spryker would store the search history of a user.
Hi, I have trouble with Rabbitmq/ Listener.
I have created an UI to manage merchantrelations/ produc
Hi, I have trouble with Rabbitmq/ Listener. I have created an UI to manage merchantrelations/ productlists in Yves. This functionality (actually) works. I just pushed my code to my staging system and I see, that Jenkins is stuck while executing vendor/bin/console queue:worker:start . So now I have a bunch of stuck messages…
Hey guys, I am trying to setup Skryker with the following guide:
Hey guys, I am trying to setup Skryker with the following guide: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/installation-guide-development-mode I am using Windows so I did this before: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/docker-installation-prerequisites-windows Right now I am doing this step: "docker/sdk bootstrap…
Hey guys, is it possible to debug Zed calls made from glue api with xdebug?
Hey guys, is it possible to debug Zed calls made from glue api with xdebug?
Hello, i have a problem with the tests for a storage writer.
When I call the entity save method, the
Hello, i have a problem with the tests for a storage writer. When I call the entity save method, the event to send the data to RabbitMQ is triggered. How can I deactivate this event?
Hello. In Bootcamp "Different Stores Different Logic" Challenge after passing all steps I finally ge
Hello. In Bootcamp "Different Stores Different Logic" Challenge after passing all steps I finally get: Exception Could not find config key "SESSION:ZED_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME" in "Spryker\Shared\Config\Config" After setting in config_default_development_DEMO.php: $config[SessionConstants::ZED_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME] =…
Is there a way to load custom js files in zed tables?
I looked for an example in product-management.
Is there a way to load custom js files in zed tables? I looked for an example in product-management. There the js files are located in assets/js and are called in the footer_js part of the tempate. Unfortunately i get an not found error in console. Is there a documentation or example anywhere?
Good morning, I have issues with configuring xdebug for devvm. xdebug.ini is set upon Spryker docume
Good morning, I have issues with configuring xdebug for devvm. xdebug.ini is set upon Spryker documentation, xdebug inside devvm installed, mapping set. After starting listening get just: "Waiting for incoming connection with ide key 'PHPSTORM'" Breakpoints are completely ignored. Someone has an idea maybe? Thanks.
Hi all,
I just deployed a new feature on our staging system and get the following error while testin
Hi all, I just deployed a new feature on our staging system and get the following error while testing: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException - No route found for "POST /productlist/gateway/get-product-lists-by-merchant-relation" All required files are pulled from git, cache should be cleared. Is…
is there a recommendation to use some of PHPstorm’s built-in codequality checkers (CodeSniffe
Hello, is there a recommendation to use some of PHPstorm’s built-in codequality checkers (CodeSniffer, Mess Detector, CS Fixer) with matching rulesets? Or are there maybe even some config-profiles for PHPstorm (Preferences > Editor > Code Style > PHP), or PHP Inspections Plugins? An “official” IDE ruleset could help to get…
Hi all! I want to expand product search attribute facet with custom data from database and want to p
Hi all! I want to expand product search attribute facet with custom data from database and want to place it in FacetConfigTransfer. I extend the transfer and looking for best way how to fill the new key with data from product_search_attribute table (also extended). In thread I attach a screenshot of current facet
Hello. I redo the spy bootcamp. And now I have an issue with challenge "Content and Search - persona
Hello. I redo the spy bootcamp. And now I have an issue with challenge "Content and Search - personalized catalog page".
Guten Morgen. Es gibt in Spryker bestimmt Best Practices, was die Pflege von DocBlocks angeht. Gibt
Guten Morgen. Es gibt in Spryker bestimmt Best Practices, was die Pflege von DocBlocks angeht. Gibt es eine klare Empfehlung, wann @api bzw @inheritdoc Annotationen zu schreiben sind und wo?