Hey people! I got a tech-question for you 🙂
Why do you (:spryker:) have this p
Hey people! I got a tech-question for you 🙂 Why do you (:spryker:) have this pattern of returning the Container object in the DependencyProvider (and some other places as well) where you return the same object that you pass as argument WHEN actually objects are passed by reference (not by value)? If we would talked about…
Hello there, I had a look at the REST API documentation and I haven't found a way to list all existi
Hello there, I had a look at the REST API documentation and I haven't found a way to list all existing customers. Is it possible somehow? Thanks 🙂
Hi guys, so, a very short general question of Spryker datamodelling decision: Why is it that product
Hi guys, so, a very short general question of Spryker datamodelling decision: Why is it that product relations and other stuff (e.g. product labels) by default are defined on abstract product level only in Spryker, and not on concrete level? From a real-world point of view it makes much more sense to connect concrete…
Hey. A little bit stuck here, help would be appreciated!
I have written a composer library (lets st
Hey. A little bit stuck here, help would be appreciated! I have written a composer library (lets stay Lib) and I'm trying to load service in Zed that extends spryker as usual (e.g vendor/Lib/Service/UtilTextService), when I provide it in Dependency provider in zed it can't find it - just finds Spryker one. I added my "Lib"…
Hi community!
Late update about useful tool that our team implemented for you.
It's now possible to
Hi community! Late update about useful tool that our team implemented for you. It's now possible to get details about some module's release here - https://api.release.spryker.com/. For example if you search for something like spryker/catalog:5.6.1 you will get also an information about project level changes related to this…
Moved: Bug regarding propel and entitymapping
This discussion has been moved.
Hi, the link to the demo shop in the documentation is broken ->
Hi, the link to the demo shop in the documentation is broken -> https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/demoshops Is the demo shop still available under a new url?
Hi, I was reading akeneo middleware documentation and couldn't wrap my head around this
Hi, I was reading akeneo middleware documentation and couldn't wrap my head around this AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnectorBusinessFactory. These Steps can be in any module? As I see here the step was created in "namespace Pyz\Zed\AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnector\Business\DataImportStep" it's weird for me because I thought DataImport…
Moved: Good Morning, we have a strange error when we try to install propel/propel (2.0.0-alpha10) $…
This discussion has been moved.
Hi there,
is there any module to limit the validity (from - to date) of content elements like there
Hi there, is there any module to limit the validity (from - to date) of content elements like there is for cms blocks and pages?
Hello Everyone,
I have a question regarding testing: When using the productDataHelper and calling `$
Hello Everyone, I have a question regarding testing: When using the productDataHelper and calling $I->haveProductAbstract() I get the exception: [Error] Call to member function getConnection() on null . I didn't manage to find out why this is thrown. I checked the documentation (Spryker / Codeception), I checked the…
Good morning and a great start of the week!
Fresh project Data Processing Guidelines (eg Data Import
Good morning and a great start of the week! Fresh project Data Processing Guidelines (eg Data Import, Export, P&S) were recently published: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/data-processing-guidelines You are familiar with most of the content, so consider it as an additional conceptual refresh. 😉 If you would like to…
Hi all,
just a dumb question: why do we prefix the module name to all the classnames in Spryker ? Do
Hi all, just a dumb question: why do we prefix the module name to all the classnames in Spryker ? Don't we have namespaces for that ?
Hi all,
can anyone tell me when the table spy_oms_order_item_state table is filled?
Problem: I want
Hi all, can anyone tell me when the table spy_oms_order_item_state table is filled? Problem: I want to set the state of an item (spy_sales_order_item), in order to do that I need the foreign key (spy_oms_order_item_state), but I only have the string (the name) and not the id. I created a Repository/Reader in order to read…
Hey all,
there seems to be a bug in the Url module, that already exists for several versions.
By def
Hey all, there seems to be a bug in the Url module, that already exists for several versions. By default when using UrlFacade to create a Url a redirect is being deleted when another resource like a product claims its URL. URLs are unique as per database constraint. However in the database URLs are case sensitive, hence…
Hi all,
I think I found a bug in the frontend/libs/finder.js on line 74. Since the app entry point i
Hi all, I think I found a bug in the frontend/libs/finder.js on line 74. Since the app entry point is hardcoded to always return the entryPoint[0] of the array, there is no way to override the basic, util and shared styles in a custom theme folder. Therefore I changed it to entryPoint[entryPoint.length - 1] and it works.
Hi everybody! Did any of you have any experience with the interaction between Spryker and CockroachD
Hi everybody! Did any of you have any experience with the interaction between Spryker and CockroachDB? Are there any compatibility problems?
Hi guys. Running the multistore setup in spryker, afaik there are two main possibilities how the set
Hi guys. Running the multistore setup in spryker, afaik there are two main possibilities how the setup can be done … so, multi instance with multiple db’s (not connected to each other) and single instances with a common single db (shared persistence, each store sees each other) … i can remember darkly, that there was also…
Hi guys I’ve a short question, maybe anyone here is willing to help. My question is related to multi
Hi guys I’ve a short question, maybe anyone here is willing to help. My question is related to multistore setup where the database schema differs for each one. Normally Spryker offers the way for programming store specific things by overriding Zed module specific for Store. Lets say I’ve a module Customer in Zed and want…
Is there someone here who has successfully installed the "RememberMeSecurityPlugin" and can tell
Hi. Is there someone here who has successfully installed the "RememberMeSecurityPlugin" and can tell me what I have to do after I have added it to the DependencyProvider? Thanks in advance.
Good evening Spryker community,
Propel2 like a Phoenix got a first release in recent years with PHP7
Good evening Spryker community, Propel2 like a Phoenix got a first release in recent years with PHP7.4 and Symfony5 support. https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2/releases/tag/2.0.0-alpha9 Please report any compatibility issues you are facing on projects to the github issue tracker. Looking forward to your feedbacks! 🔥
Would it be a nice feature in the state machine to have pre and post (condition) commands?
Would it be a nice feature in the state machine to have pre and post (condition) commands?
Moved: Good morning. In my opinion there is a need for a kubernetes channel. Docker channel is ther…
This discussion has been moved.
Hello, i have a question about product attributes. Is it possible to have an attribute (eg. gender)
Hello, i have a question about product attributes. Is it possible to have an attribute (eg. gender) with more than one value (male, unisex,...) ??
a question: why the Product List Merchant Relationship relation is provided via `f
Hello, a question: why the Product List <-> Merchant Relationship relation is provided via fk_merchant_relationship direct in spy_product_listtable instead with a dedicated n2n relations table? We have i.e. ca. 50.000 Companies and ca. 20 Blacklist Product List.. The product list i.e. A is the same for Company 1 and…
an issue with url generation, that existed for some time already, still seems to be present:
Hi, an issue with url generation, that existed for some time already, still seems to be present: ProductUrlGenerator::generateUrlByLocale will generate the exact same url for en_US and en_GB, leading to collisions (if the product name is the same in both locales)
just noticed that the Twig option `strict_variables` is implicitly disabled when debug mode is disab
just noticed that the Twig option strict_variables is implicitly disabled when debug mode is disabled. this means that any error in Twig error is silently ignored on production by default. In our case this meant that a payment option stopped working with no apparent reason or log message. In general do people use…
@UJN2JRU4F About the batching of events we talked in the user group yesterday. We set `$config[Eve
@UJN2JRU4F About the batching of events we talked in the user group yesterday. We set $config[EventConstants::EVENT_CHUNK] = 500; is that what you meant?
Hi guys. Is it possible to extend the array in stores.php with custom properties?
Hi guys. Is it possible to extend the array in stores.php with custom properties?
How do i run console commands for a specific store?
How do i run console commands for a specific store?